Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

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1. I've been a jackass for... well, really forever. You had to have caught on to that before now.
2. What the fuck does Peyton have to do with anything? Football season is over; I've moved on. Now I get to watch my Boilermakers tank down the stretch in basketball. Here in a couple of months I'll watch the Cubs under perform again. Football is the least of my worries.
3. I didn't have students today, and probably won't tomorrow if it doesn't quit snowing. Thus, I can devote myself here entirely. Luck you...

1. i dont know you so i wouldnt know that ur a jackass. poor students, cause of you the kids dont want to learn, mr. unhappy.
2. have you really moved, naah it still irks you.
3. im glad its still snowing, so you wont have to throw that negativity towards your students.

bonus: if your a cubs fan no wonder your always in a bad mood

:crying: <--------- andronicus
1. Bigger than yours.
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. You skipped 5. Go take a math class.
6. No, you say LOL more than teenage school girl. Expand your vocabulary. Go look up verisimilitude and use it in a sentence.

See, we don't need Bree here for those. For fuck's sake, ask some relevant questions.

Really Andrinicus u can go FUCK YOURSELF! My vocabulary aint that good cause ENGLISH AINT my FIRST LANGUAGE U JACK ASS!!!! am trying my BEST HERE to express my SELF!!! :mad:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Really Andrinicus u can go FUCK YOURSELF! My vocabulary aint that good cause ENGLISH AINT my FIRST LANGUAGE U JACK ASS!!!! am trying my BEST HERE to express my SELF!!! :mad:

That doesn't explain why you skipped the #5. Go stick your head in the toilet. I'm also sensing some anger on your end. Where's that coming from?
Sorry, I just really can't get that upset on forums. I tried to "Hulk up" by slamming by head against the wall, but it only gave me a concussion. I just like to egg people on sometimes. Occasionally, when that happens, they get angry. I don't know why, I don't get angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

But this thread is for Bree, not for my witless banter. I'm only here to answer the really obvious questions. Anything else, she's going to have to handle on her own.

I like you in any emotional state. And any colour...especially blue.

Bree Olson

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
hallo Bree, thanks again for answer all our questions. Here's another:

i really have a problem with my girl: she only like one sexual position: cowgirl (bending over me). And i would like a lot more: doggy, reverse, you name it. And the worst of all: she doesn't like give me blow jobs :( (to clarify: i go down on her, constantly)
any advice ? i'm in pain here...

Yep, mount her missionary style and make her take it. Take on the role of dominance.

Thanks for all the answers Bree, here's a question,

Its Mardi Gras time and I live here in Louisiana and have been setting up for weeks for a SuperBowl Mardi Gras month of party, want to come down and go to parades, hell want to be the queen of one?

I'm a Colts fan. lol

*From which relative did you inherit your spark & spirit ?
Really ! I'm convinced that you could sell anything to anybody at any time.
If ''The Donald'' hired you, I have no doubt that you would be ordering him around ! :1orglaugh :D

*Did you once, twice or three times do a shoot up atop a residential shingle styled roof ? I think you had boots & a tiny skirt on ... (?)

For some reason I remembered that set ... it was you , correct ?

Thanks, Bree ~

It was me, I did one on a building though, never a house. Good memory :)

What has given you the biggest orgasm>?

Getting thrown around and slapped.


Are there any truly Liberal pornstars around? It seems I've been voting for pornstars who don't come close to my personal ideology. :dunno:

I don't think anyone party or person is right. We're all screwed lol.

If only life were so simple as let's give the military a giant pay raise.

I was just throwing that out there. They truly do deserve more for what they do.

Hi Bree.
I Hope you are fine...
Did you ever have sex at the set as the cameras weren't on?
Just for fun with your partner.

Yes I did lol.

Yeah, I can't say I agree with the huge pay raise simply because of things like the GI Bill, and the fact that service members get preferential treatment when it comes to jobs etc. I do however think one year mandatory service for all young adults would be a good idea.

Sometimes a lot of kids need the military due to dumbass parents.

If you say so:nanner:

Damn now I need to ask a question....

What is your favorite Bruce Willis movie? Yeah possible man crush so what?!

Die Hard 1

i saw a vid of a guy kissing your feet; do they really taste like chicken?;)

LOL, no

Bree when you had your 5-man gangbang, how did they do you? Did the four of them stand around you watching the other one screw you, waiting their turn so to speak? Or did one take you from behind and another one deepthroat you, or was one of them in your ass at the same time? Or did one of them screw you with the other 4 holding your legs and arms like you were being gang-raped? How did it feel to feel a cock pumping into you and then being replaced by another one? Im really interested to know what it feels like to be fucked repeatedly by a group of men.

Mostly standing around and taking me from behind while I am sucking off another guy. I have never done a DP scene... yet, ;)

thats a good question cherylfan. I imagine it looked something like this:

hope that gingerbread representation helps:thumbsup:


What do you eat for breakfast?

Egg white omelet.

what's your favourite sex toy?

My glass dildo

Do you regret starting this thread? :crash:
Did you have fun in Miami?

No, and YESSS! So awesome to get out of the 16 degree temps for a couple days lol.

hey bree
#1 have you ever been to ireland and do you plan to visit anytime soon :)
#2 Would you ever date anyone younger say 21-22.

1. I haven't and it just kinda depends
2. Most likely not :( I never rule anything out, but I need a stable, dominant and mature man, and most guys that age have yet to fully develop those. Not a bad thing... a lot of young guys make up for it with sexual stamina which also goes a LOOOOOONG way in my book lol.

Bree, i don't understand American football. :rolleyes: can you explain what the hell is going on? :dunno: it's not fair!! :crying:

Well The Colts got beat and that's all that matters lol.

Bree, does it matter to you if a guy is circumcised or not?

Yes and no. I prefer him to be circumcised.


my condolences on the Colts loss...


Which iPad configuration are you getting?
Do you have your movies on your iPhone?
Do you film any of your own personal sex videos?

I don't know yet, just went to the apple store today to look. No I don't, and I have filmed myself a few times, not as much as one might thing though.

oh no bree did the colts lose?:tongue:Ahh i wont rub your face in it they made it further than my vikings. Who's your favorite athlete btw? my apologies if someone has asked you this but its a long ass thread.

Peyton Manning. lol typical response right?

Did you enjoy the game (colts V saints)?

Yes I did, I was there.

Hi bree.. just wanted to tell you that u r SEXY & GORGEOUS!!!!! LOL.. now for the questions... 1- What is your ideal cock size!!! 2- Is a 7 inch good!? ( I have 1 and i want an 8 inch LOL ) 3- Can you come to Puerto Rico and meet me!!! :D 4- Can you give me your messenger!!!! LOL... 6- Can u be my GF!!! LOL... take care baby... ;) From Puerto RIco with LOVE!

1. I don't have one, 8" is nice
2. Yes
3. No lol, I'm sorry babe, I don't have anything going on in Peurto Rico this year yet.
4. I don't give that out and never really use it lol

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you wake up naked on the hood of your car with your keys up you ass?

Yes several

Bree, will you call me if I PM you my number? :cool:

No babe, I don't give out my number to anyone

Bree Olson Here is a question for you.
What forms of enertaiment do you go back to most? Movies? TV? Books? Video Games?
Another question
You have stated a few times you like missionary but you biggest orgasm was when a man was rough. So the question is does missionary really get you there or do you just enjoy the feel?


Do you think there is anything you could have done to inspire the Colts to win at half time?
one porn question: would you ever do bukkake (i mean like 25 guys or more)? one non-porn question: what about you do you think your fans would find the most surprising?
Heey Bree,

To start of I'd like to thank your parents for giving birth to a beautiful child. ;) You know how to combine cute with nasty.
But enough flattery, I have a question for you: Do you ever flirt with colleagues and try to get in theit pants after you had sex with them in a professional way? And if so, does it feel the same as if you wouldn't have had sex with them just for your profession?

Just curious, I hope you can answer this busy, busy thread! Thanks in advance!


Hi, Bree ~

Have you learned a great deal about the art of negotiating while in your industry ?
Do you wish that you had known what you know today about negotiating before you started this line of employ ?

Do you think that young women in general are lacking in the area of deal making and could make a better buck $$$ for themselves had they become better informed on how to better negotiate deals ?

Do you enjoy the ''business end'' (ha ha, I'm referring to the money ends of things in this instance) of this industry ?

When women decide to pull the plug after several years in this business, what do they put down on their resume for their employment history during the time that they were in ''the industry'' when applying for their formal careers ? I mean... well, you know what I mean. :o
I actually believe that a ret. p* would make for a great asset to a business for a variety of reasons, BTW.

Years back I recall that there was an idea floating about women like yourself unionizing, is that still kinda up in the air or (?) :dunno:
Do you have any opinion on this matter ?

I'll save some "?'s" for later and please forgive any repeat questions as this thread approaches 1,000 posts ! :party:

Don't feel compelled to answer anything that may later cause you grief, I'll understand if you take a pass on some of these questions, questions that I have a genuine curiosity about.

Thanks again for being as interactive as you have been, it's a real treat !
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