
I'm just glad the entire thing wasn't designed as a serious platformer because I suck and will always suck at them. That said, I thought the tentacle chase was harder than the actual boss fight--normal difficulty, and ymmv obviously. I did spend time between attacks clearing out as much as possible on the ground, and the double-jump skill was invaluable in that fight (and everywhere else.)


Active Member
How can i trigger the H-scene with Stone Golem in chapter 2 ? tried to be defeated for a long time but cant trigger it
You can either start it afterword by clicking on the heart icon with ???? after it, or in game you need to be killed specifically with the grapple move (this is a common theme for most of the h-scenes). The bottom left isn't just 'die to specific enemy', but often has conditions.


Active Member
I'll preface this by saying that I think this is one of, if not the, best hentai games I've ever seen, but what the actual fuck was the dev thinking with the Poseidon boss? I have never been so infuriated by such an "easy" boss in my life; enemies sometimes spawn with timing that puts you in a catch 22 where you either eat a hit from the boss or a crab stuns you out of trying to dodge the boss' attack; the arena is a set size yet the coked-up ADD kid zooming the camera in and out constantly distorts your idea of where the edges of the arena are; several of Poseidon's attacks give fake telegraphs, such as the quad tentacle slam that hits 80% of the platform and sometimes randomly hits you even if you're safe because the tentacle wiggled ever so slightly; and to top it off, his sweep attack is a double-whammy of launching enemies he catches with it into you for extra damage while simultaneously faking you out repeatedly because he visibly lags anytime he hits an enemy.

Before anyone lazily regurgitates "git gud", I actually love the game and think that it's probably the first H-game I've ever found enjoyable as a game, not just as smut. There is no denying, however, that there are some real stinkers in terms of the levels and bosses, as aforementioned with Poseidon. Rant aside, 10/10 would petition to have this game added to historical museums as a testament to the power of horniness.
Well said!

Yeah the fact that things stop on impact really threw off a lot of my timing. Poseidon was definitely the worst for that because of the aforementioned crab swarms.

I actually found that for big attacks like the 4 tentacle smash that the parry was more reliable for avoiding the hit than dodging. It looks dumb, but it works!
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Реакции: Dinglederper


Well said!

Yeah the fact that things stop on impact really threw off a lot of my timing. Poseidon was definitely the worst for that because of the aforementioned crab swarms.

I actually found that for big attacks like the 4 tentacle smash that the parry was more reliable for avoiding the hit than dodging. It looks dumb, but it works!
Full disclosure, I was lazy about upgrades and had more or less played up to Chapter 16 with the bare minimum (1/3 in the magic wings and each of the basic swing combos), so I won't rule out that a lot of my frustration was my own fault because I wanted to get through the game, not figure out what upgrades were good and what weren't. The dev definitely has a great sense of how to design hack 'n slash/action platformer bosses well, but the bosses after Chapter 12 give an extremely strong "Dork Souls knockoff" vibe with the seemingly arbitrary addition of some new attack, buff or ability every 10% of their HP they lose. It's only the execution that falls flat because of how many of those unexpected attacks are one shots or screen-wide multi-hits that punish you excessively for even a slight slip-up.

I do have to ask though, why do boss stun animations cause damage and hit like strong attacks? I actually found myself laughing uncontrollably when I cheesed the dankfiend dragon by standing underneath him when he fights from a horizontal position, only to have his wild flailing in response to me stunning him toss me across the universe and chunk my health bar. It's weird when you're a greater threat to yourself than the boss because they have natural combo punish flailing.


seems like some of the images on dlsite show ricca with a womb tattoo/mark, Anyone know how to obtain this and if it actually has any sort of effect?


All of the boss kill achievements are available in Normal if you get the boss down to 30% HP. Haven't tried it in hard, but warhammer + Holy skill spam do wonders on the final boss in both phases.
Wait, you can use the holy skill in the shmup section of the stage?

what the actual fuck was the dev thinking with the Poseidon boss?
Haha, I mostly breezed through the entire game on hard but that was one of the few stages where I have to repeat the entire stage due to a game over. Insta-kill platformer chase at the start and a boss that you need to wait to attack so you can attack. Anyway, it taught me how to manage my ice and lightning skills properly so I kinda felt it was fine afterward. Even in the boss rush stage Poseidon still manages to force me to eat a life gem.

seems like some of the images on dlsite show ricca with a womb tattoo/mark, Anyone know how to obtain this and if it actually has any sort of effect?
You get this as you progress through the story. I think the tattoo gets bigger too as the story progress, and once unlocked, you can customize the size of the tattoo in the character customization screen. Its effect is mostly only relevant in the story but there are in-game traps that activate it and give you a temporary DEF debuff and prevent you from using magic.
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Is there a way to keep all the clothes on during H-scenes? It seems like every time there's an H-scene, the top always comes off. Is there a way to keep the top on during H-scenes?
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Yeah I give up with this... Unpacked the entirety of data.unity3D using asset studio and UABEA still crashes when trying to open only the resoruces.asset file.
Hello. Just wanted to let you know you were very close to getting it done. You want to download the latest nightly build of UABEA. Which allows for plugins to work.


We all know the ugly low res texture result is...

Using the higher resolution texture you provided...

Alternatively, can go with the trick someone mentioned in this thread by adjusting the "Genitals colors" and achieve similar results...

That's not to say your efforts are completely in vain by the above simple method of adjusting the hue/colors. The higher resolution texture helps in scenes that are using default settings during "Novel" H-Mode. So it fixes the pixelated textures not only for Ricca, but the other girls as well that share the same rcc_body_pussy. =)

ss005.png ss006.png ss008.png ss003.png


Hello. Just wanted to let you know you were very close to getting it done. You want to download the latest nightly build of UABEA. Which allows for plugins to work.
Hey there! I had been trying this the other day, but the actual final step still stumps me: I had found out about the nightly build, too, and everything was intuitive, but during the compression step UABEA only creates a 349MB (using LZ4) or 400MB (using LZMA) big file and then crashes. When trying to feed the game the uncompressed unity3d bundle, it'll start, but only show an empty menu, so I assume the compression step is necessary. Manually compressing it doesn't work either (critical error: "failed to initialize player" when starting the game); I assume a certain file structure (UnityFS?) is needed, which I wasn't able to figure out.
(Note: I'm on v1.09, so the pathID for the texture is 957, instead of 956, but I doubt this is relevant.)
Any idea what I've been missing? I hope this isn't an AMD/Intel thing...

EDIT: Looks like I'm not the only one with that problem:
OP also ran into it trying to patch Ricca, so if it worked for you, that might be relevant info for that issue.
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New Member
Extract everything in the zip to the "HolyKnightRicca_v(insert_version_here)\Game" folder and start up the game.
It does require internet to grab appropriate files. It only grabs files required by BepInEx as part of BepInEx. It will take a while on the first load, but after that should load like normal.
Thanks so much for this! Got it working on Linux using Lutris and Winetricks and I wanted to share (and didn't see any posts regarding this in this thread):

1. Install funog1's patch in your game directory
2. Use "Add Game" in Lutris for Holy Knight Ricca. Ricca should work at this point, but the patch will not fire up first (so will still be censored).
3. Configure Lutris...

(adjust paths for your system, and version for your install)
(assuming knowledge to install new Wine versions, use of Lutris,etc)

Game options
Executable: /pathto/HolyKnightRicca_vXXXen/Game/HolyKnightRicca.exe
Working Directory: /pathto/HolyKnightRicca_vXXXen

Runner options
Wine version: (something very recent - lutris-ge-7.1-1-x86_64 works for me)
Left all other options default

4. Start Winetricks for the game using Lutris bottom menu, second from left.

(not sure that everything that I installed is necessary)
A. Select "Select the default wineprefix". Hit OK.
B. Select "Install a Windows DLL or component". Hit OK.
C. Select the following...
- dotnet48
- iertutil
- winhttp
- wininet
...then hit OK.
D. Keep on click on "Cancel" until Winetricks exits.

5. Run game. If you see something like this, first...


... you'll know that things are working.

Hope this helps another non-Windows user.
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Active Member
Goshtic Thanks for your help there! Was driving me up the wall :rolleyes:

Now that I've got it working in game I can clean up the texture some more to blend the edges better. One thing to bear in mind though is that a screenshot doesn't really do the texture justice as it seems to be quite sensitive to light sources meaning it can look quite different based on the angle. In hindsight though this is kind of odd considering the devs always intended for it to be covered with a mosaic :unsure:

UPDATE: Okay think I'm done with the texture edits to blend the edges properly.
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The darker patches are simply shading/coloration of her labia minora, or at least that's what I imagine the developer had in mind with this texture. If you prefer a more overall smoother set of labia minora though you can combine this texture and the color trick for the below result.
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Also setting the hue to -1.8 will make the color and tone almost match her skin. It's an intersting affect that reminds me of the 80's uncensored hentai. Try it you might like it (y)

Now all I want is to be able to make her Areola a bit bigger than the games slider max allows:unsure:
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Active Member
Were you able to just compress the bundle after editing the asset? I'm still stumped at that step. UABEA simply crashes during the compression step and leaves me with an incomplete bundle file.
I do suspect the CPU playing a role at this point. I'm on a Ryzen 5 5600X.
I'm doing it a different way that circumvents recompressing anything.

- Use Asset studio to unpack the entirety of data.unity3d.
- Open resources.assets with UABEA (nightly build).
- Follow Goshtic's instructions to replace texture.
- Create back up folder for data.unity3d and put data.unity3d inside it.
- move all of the unpacked contents of data.unity3d to HolyKnightRicca_Data.
- Replace resources.assets in HolyKnightRicca_Data with your edited version.

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Active Member
I'm doing it a different way that circumvents recompressing anything.

- Use Asset studio to unpack the entirety of data.unity3d.
- Open resources.assets with UABEA (nightly build).
- Follow Goshtic's instructions to replace texture.
- Create back up folder for data.unity3d and put data.unity3d inside it.
- move all of the unpacked contents of data.unity3d to HolyKnightRicca_Data.
- Replace resources.assets in HolyKnightRicca_Data with your edited version.

Is there still a plan for a way to import the new texture without Asset studio or UABEA?


Active Member
Is there still a plan for a way to import the new texture without Asset studio or UABEA?
At the moment... No.

This is probably the simplest method available user wise. Only other thing I can do to make it easier is to upload my resources.assets and then the user only has to unpack data.unity3d with asset studio and replace resources.assets. Although I'm not sure if just having resources.assets in the data folder would cause the engine to bypass loading from data.unity3d? Which would mean no need for asset studio.


Active Member
the game is not complete yet? meaning it is still in development for a major patch?
It's complete in the sense that you can play the entirety of it through from start to finish and there are endings. The game has also officially been released and is on sale. However, the dev is still working on bug fixes and content patches as far as I'm aware. But I'd say this is a "finished" game.
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