So We Went Outside
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
Hey guys, got another video of a bunch of Twitch clips from past streams. Hope you enjoy :)
Twitch: / pezzzy
Twitter: / pezzy__
Instagram: / pezzyyx
Lemme know if I missed crediting anyone
Edited by:
Lofi Girl: / lofigirl
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
no thankyou :))
Wait arent you 5ft 8, me to what, I'm right there with you how are so many people tall these days
holy fuck you uploaded
Bro how do you not up load and then hit us with a ad for raid?
i think its been more than 30 days
The fact that Pezzy can do a FLAWLESS Doodlebob impression-
im basically doodle bob now
indeed you are
u also kinda sound like that one dog from dog of wisdom tho ngl
Jumping from FnaF clips to cute vlog clips is like emotional warfare
Never let em know your next move
9:10 Look at the absolute size of that lad. When dude walked up and said "I'm a big fan!" i feel like Pezzy should've just said "Yeah, yeah you are."
Should I be going to sleep because I hand in my final project in two weeks? yes. Am I staying up to watch Pezzy instead? Abso-fucking-loutly.
real one
You better have gone right to bed after this video cause you deserve it bro !
UK Gang?
@@CurryMS_ UK gang,
Good call
Pezzy going out of his way to throw a ball for a dog is the cutest goddamn thing I've ever seen
Throwing the ball for the dog was wholesome af
The dog was adorable
I'm so glad you posted finally. Your content is always so hilarious and comforting
Pezzy and Droid doing DoodleBob impressions is a great way to start the video
Shoutout to the lad that let you throw the ball. Top tier.
Truuuuue dude was a homie
this is the content i love to watch, especially my ears getting blown out from pezzy screaming/yelling like no tomorrow lmao
I gotchu don't worry about it
You know damn well that Switch controller was expensive cause of how Pezzy kept himself from throwing it.
Lets gooo Pezzy getting some Fresh Air!
OMG WelcominTV 😮 I didn't know You Also Watch Pezzy
it was difficult but an adventure
Still surviving with a cold but a video from Pezzy is sure to make me feel a whole lot better
-how many times have you watched a moment with doodlebob impression?
-miha mamahabababa
I love how he was talking shit about sophie and instantly proved him wrong🤣🤣🤣
4:22 hey now I know where this soundbite is from
It sounds like the screaming gopher vine from years ago
the first 30 seconds perfectly set the tone for this video
that slap sounds exactly like one of the thumping bass sounds from the song cyberdemon by Mick Gordon.
Like, _exactly_ like it. 😳
That was more impressive than funny.
But still funny. 😂
Loving your content homie. I love the way you edit the clips, its really enjoyable and entertaining. Keep up the great work
Omg the IRL content was so cute and wholesome lol. Love that.
That add tho, the clips tho, the dog tho, thank you so much for this vids man, just what I need at the end of the day
keep up the good work pezzy :)!!
droid was living the dream at the beginning, he got to lay with grizzy
Let's go another pezzzy video 😁🤟
Yaaaassss love it when you upload pezzy! Thank you!
Love this so much! Hope the new house is well and guys are doing alright.
hell yeah got my chicken strips and curly fires with a PEPSI ;) ready to enjoy this vid
love ya pezzy
My boy is all grown, finally got an AD. I couldnt be prouder
love the content man thank you for making me smile every time i watch your vids keep up the great work all love
i dont need to study for finals, pezzy posted again and I am no longer sad. seritonin: acquired
Great content Pezzy. The fetch part at the end was by far the best part XD
Bruh first 10 seconds in and I'm dying 😂😂😂
I was rolling with the doodlebob intro!!! Loving this content! Shoot for the stars, Pezzy!
Pezzy video AND a raid sponsor? Absolute fantastic sunday if you ask me
Y’all need a pet dog, that ending was just wholesome❤️
@@SlamDunkPyro thanks 😅
Loved the vid from start to finish
i just realized if you only have 9 mins of content but have to upload the next day you can do a sponsor and boom 10 mins. meaning you can upload more often maybe but take a sponsor every video
We used to all compare Pezzy to Andrew Garfield, but for some reason, when he was sitting on the couch right before the raid ad, he reminds me of Marc Spector and/or Steven Grant
Highly unfortunate that yall played The Blackout Club after the Voices stopped invading games to fck with you. I would imagine Grizzy freaking tf out. XD
Pezzy being socialable enough to go ask to throw the ball for the dog then faking it out lmaooo
The boys finally touched grass. Lol
Didn't get enough clips for a whole vlog so a whole fucking quarter of the video is a god damn sponsor for a gatcha game 😂
If I ever meet Pezzy he’s gonna be happy as can be cause he’ll be the taller guy. While I’d just be happy that I met him.
tis a good day to watch a pezzy vid today 🙌
Pezzy just a whole vibe bro
Am I a year late? Nah, man. I’m right on time.
pezzy upload pezzy upload
no way
No way you guys are doing a fucking doodle bob impression
I had to teach him the ways
0:56 this doesn't look like Boston...
love this pezzy! I’m glad you got to meet simple and that and hoped that was a good time with that! I would love to meet my friends and walk around boston (?) and love you pezzy!
edit: at 9:48 you jumped just like I did but plus a little scream when playing it cos my friends dared me to play it (it as in Fnaf)
yeah the fnaf games just scare the shit out of me most of the time
@@thatsjessciaudio9856 ikr but personally like the new (?) fnaf
Very enjoyable video
The dog clip at the end is really cute 🥹
6:56 I had one but of donkey kong i wonder if its still around somewhere
Bro it's so hard to strain to poop when you gotta burp at the same time. But anyways, thanks for the content Pezzy, keep it up man
How did i know he was gonna do a raid ad!?😂
Funny and chilling video ever 😎😂❤
I heard about the dogs bit, and was super excited to see it in this video c:
this was such a good video!! loved getting to meet you at pax!!
Made me smile :) love your content
It's good to know that our favorite gamers had finally touched some grass
Bros touched grass for once...
Raid ad was like half the vid...
😂😂still love the vid tho❤🤩
Great video Pezzy, keep up the good work! ❤️
4:01 my ears pezzy
I apologize
That last clip with the dog was so cute
damn pezzys voices helping him with sponsors
ayo pezzy finally uploads pog
We need more vlogs
Will definitely make dedicated vlogs in the future when going to events or trips and stuff
@@Pezzy I didn’t think you would reply
Droids reaction to all the dogs 😂
Just finished a 13 hour shift at my job. I work as a server at this diner and I exhausted and should be sleeping but my FAV RUclipsR IS ON SO ILL STAY UP FOR A BIT LONGER
yay pezzy vid pog WWWWWWWW
The intro hahaha nice
its been months but i have not seen anyone talk about how good of a gift giver pezzy is lol. lowkey jealous jk
I love your videos!!! 💗💗💗
The last clip was so sweeet, cute dog
sat here 5 months later in the middle of a break up watching you hoping to find joy again😔
If pezzy was a rapper he'd be notorious N.O.Z.
Pezzy is me with dogs too not gonna lie! 😍😂💖
Ngl pezzy is my comfort streamer/youtuber ❤️
okay but why is the clip with the dog the cutest thing
thx for touching grass in my place appreciate it
I gotchu
Such a brave soul
Ahh perfect timing.
Dude also i really like how you edited these clips. Like a perfect lil Shaggy n' Scoob style sandwich.
Congratulations my friend
Wake up everyone Pezzy posted!!!
Y’know I’m gonna get a 0 on an English assignment for you. It’s gonna bring my grade down to hell. Worth it ❤️
Aw pezzy, so wholesome
Yay pezzy got raid! 🤗
I go outside from time to time to keep my sanity and hopes up😄👍
I really want to see how long that doodle bob impression was before the camera was on
Gold content my friending, keep it up!
I lvoe how the intro words are synced to the music.
why did pezzy hitting his mic arm sound like a helicopter? 10:06