Seems to be a mistake in the bugfix.She still takes Mark's dick if Lena pushes her to. Even if she's with Ian
PilotLara this line here:
"{image=icon_charisma.webp}/{image=icon_lust.webp}You should do it" if (lena_charisma > 6 and lena_holly_dating == False) or (lena_lust > 7 and lena_holly_dating == False):
conditionals here should probably be ian_holly_dating
instead of the current ones. As it is, this blocks Lena who is sleeping with Holly from pushing her into fucking a guy, but she's free to do it for Holly who is dating Ian, which kind of goes against the rest of the game.(either that, or this entire block
elif holly_guy == 1:
$ flena = "n"
l "And what about you? Any news about your situation with Mark?"
// ...
and ian_holly_dating == False
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