Scott Ritter: Putin DESTROYS Trump, Ukraine's Forces CRUSHED in Kursk, EU in Chaos
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Former US Marine Corps. Intelligence officer Scott Ritter reacts to Putin's shocking visit to Kursk which laid bare the reality facing Ukraine and its NATO sponsors. This video is a must-watch on what's REALLY happening on the frontlines and what comes next in the conflict.
NOTE: This video was recorded prior to the latest Trump-Putin phone call.
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#ukraine #putin #kursk
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Haiphong clogged the siphon on Ukraine
Sad that Scott has to sit among a pile of jumble junk including a stopped clock!
Putin didn't crush trump. Trump did not start the war, and wants out. Anything that is no war is a win for trump and America.
i hope you can discuss about icc double standards on 3rd world countries...
trump defends netanyahu but not duterte from the philippines which is not a member of the icc
I am Russian living in US, and Scott always impresses me with his knowledge about history of Russia!
Old and recent history! Thank you, Scott, we love you! 💖
Why are you living in the West. Go live in Russia
Скотт переобулся в прыжке
любитель рашкиа из-за бугра, сам себaлся от нищеты🤣🤣🤣
There are many of us in America who know the history and understand exactly what's happening.
Skott hat befassen,Rußische Mentalität,sagte einmal,Mutter Rußland.Glauben,Tradition und Familie...das ist Fundament Rußisches Volk.
I'm from Belarus and now also a US citizen and never miss an opportunity to watch streams with Scott. His knowledge about everything he says in the air just amazes me how educated he is, I always wish you the best my friend, and peace in this cruel world. No hate for others and stop wars.
еще один любитель рашки из-за бугра, сам себaлся от нищеты
@@adult_swimm Sorry for the washed-brain in your case
Scott is soldier and UN arms inspector and knows a thing and two, unlile certain besserwissers with they fantasy stories. I always listen to him and learn something.
@@YKZL да-да, продолжай платить налоги, на твои деньги обнулили уже дохера русни
Scott is so biased toward Putin. I wonder if he gets money from the Russian state. He never says anything bad about Putin.
As an American our Media is mad.
We need more people like Scott Ritter to spit the facts & help people in better assessment of the situation.
He’s consistently wrong like the media. 🤫
Ritter is a sensationalist.
" All mercenaries captured in Russia are/ and will be treated as terrorists "- Commander in Chief of Russian Federation - V. Putin
Putin will let them go, as he's done before. Russia needs a stronger leader.
@@melvynobrien6193Who cares who's leader? Russia won Ukraine lost. End of.
Same with North Koreans
@@melvynobrien6193 Absolutely right, can not put it better, Putin will never learn..
@@melvynobrien6193 Can not put it better, Putin will never learn.
Russia wasn't serious about this war and wanted peace, but then came Boris Johnson, and this war became a reality, UK started the war.
western globalist 100% instigated this war
At the behest of the Americans and make no doubt about that. Puppets of America and history will show ding dong Johnson as complicit to say the least. Crazy mad world made more crazy by these traitors and liars and utter buffoons.
Started this
A Special military operation. Russia never called it a war. It was a careless bet made by Vladimir. It became war for Russia way after they woke up and understood that no one will greet them with flowers in Kiev. And, yes, Boris hands came too.
I am not a military expert... but common sense will tell us that , given the limitations of the Ukranian army , it is going to be obliterated by the vastly superior ( both qualitative and quantitative ) Russian army. What's more disgusting is NATO is egging on the Ukrainians to fight to the last man.... Absolute Madness !
They've been trying to depopulate that area since wwii
Its sick, and you and me are paying taxes to continue this madness
They are destroying Ukraine !
russian army is a joke, they got no more armored carriers, they use civilian cars to transport ammo and supplies to the front lines.
down to the last American dollar they can scam us out of.
Scott Ritter, you are very appreciated in the Dominican Republic for your honesty and commitment to the truth. We respectfully listen to you, sir.
Honesty and commitment to truth.... dudes a pedderass...
As an American I don't blame the Russians for defending their people an attempting to de-Nazify their hostile neighbors
As a Russian i do blame the US for waging proxy war against Russia
As a Canadian I don't want us to become a hostile nation to anyone, rather I want us to remain strong but peaceful, am starting to see hostile sentiments from some Canadians egged on by our incompetent politicians looking to consolidate power and not caring what happens to us everyday Canadians should they keep triggering Donald Trump unnecessarily.
As a US citizen, agree.
You have a magnificent culture.
The globalists want to erase all culture in order to implement their One Weird Order.
@@archimedes2261 Trudeau made sure your country is weak and divided.
@ I take it you are in the Russian "liberal" camp? 🤣
Scott and Danny, thanks a lot for a profound and realistic analysis of the war. As usual! Following from Uganda. NATO and Ukraine have been poking the wrong bear for many years. The way RU conducted the war will become a big lesson to all military science institution for decades. Just fascinating!!!
Why would Russia trust anyone at this point? I'm with him.
Agree totally
They invaded Ukraine and committed war crimes
@@mikeb9178they were threatened by the us via Ukraine so they defended themselves.
@@mikeb9178and ukr is an angel who treated their pow right, they definitely not shelling the russian speaking Ukraines in the east, or merkel never went on tv admitting those treaties were just stalling tactics to buy ukr time, or they didn’t drone strike moscow while yapping abt cease fire right 😂.
If ukr stay neutral they would not even lost crimea. If you think this whole s show started on 2022 then you need to at least study abit 😂😂😂😂
Mr. Ritter continues to be realistic in his analysis of the Russian, Ukrainian-American conflict in Ukraine.
I'm sure he's honest will all the 16 yr olds too
3 years ago he was claiming that ukrainian army has been crushed. next year he will be saying the same thing.
@@adult_swimmSo you haven't read and learned nothing from last three years. Wow.
@@adult_swimmand yet here you are listening - cope harder !!
@jlo777what your talking about?
Ritter has a better understanding of this conflict than ANYONE in the administration. If Blinken and Nuland hadn't insisted on war, this could have been avoided completely.
While they were some of the visible actors, Antony Blinken & Victoria Nuland are not the people behind the curtain, responsible for the Empire's foreign policy, and the very same people are the ones, behind Trump & his neocon Zionist, so-call Christian Evangelical Fascists, Circus.
with the Military Industrial Complex running the U.S. government since WWII, averting war has NEVER been on the agenda
Ritter's predictions about the war being finished haven't been accurate. Every week he's said Ukraine is finished. And yet, the war CONTINUES!!!
This is because Ukraine has chosen to continue beyond what would be acceptable losses for a country, it is like a gambler who does not leave the table and sells his organs
Also if trump didn't want this war he wouldn't have armed Ukraine, he wouldn't clap soleimani, he wouldn't take on Yemen.
Great assessment Scott Ritter. Keep up good news. We want peace in the world.
Scott Ritter has the most common sense in this conflict...along with Prof. Jeff Sachs...salut🙏👏🏽
and Macgregor
There are several people with a lot of knowledge, experience and common sense reporting on the SMO.
Those lacking in the above are the majority of politicians and government-funded mainstream media in the Collective West who excel at lying to us.
wow Scott was calmer today. I remember him yesterday on a super rant. I like BOTH sides of this intelligent and complex man
He is passionate. I like passionate people they are real.
@@heimomoilanen9654 100% agree!!!!!
Yeah, he's not nearly as confident or strident now that trump has bombed Yemen. oops
There goes his "trump is a dove, he wants to end the wars" rubbish.
Let's be clear, ritter isn't an "analyst", he's a propagandist.
President Putin has been remarkably conservative in his special military operation. He has the character and resilience of a stoic; never letting emotions override his inner strength and resolve. He is probably the most intelligent leader of any country in our world. (I'm a US citizen. Why do the mediocre rise to the top in our political system?)
Putin has been pissing around for years; this could have ended in a few months but for Putin
What are the russian losses in this conservative special military operation?
900k russian soldiers killed and wounded. 3 million russian fled russia to avoid being mobilized. Russia is loosing this war and without Iranian weapons and n. Korean solders russsia would of already Givin up this foolish invasion. That they gravely underestimated.
Because the USA 🇺🇸 is the evil empire.
Exactly. Russia has shown extreme restraint, despite all the sever attacks on its people.
@@davidlenz7817 turn off you TV .
👍👍 Scott Ritter 👌👌
Thanks Danny and Scott for bringing us this great content once again God bless you both stay safe and well
I don't know why Russia can't use the term "special military operation" when the US insisted that they weren't in war with Vietnam, it was a "police action."
Same reason Russia has oligarchs while the US has entrepreneurs and why (currently) allied countries have governments while designated enemies are regimes. And why the Contras and the Muhajeddin were freedom fighters while the Sandinistas, the ANC and the Houthis (the only ones currently taking action to stop the genocide in Gaza) were/are terrorists. It never ends.
No one accepts this term. We all call it the veitnam war
@@felixfranzen7318 the usa has oligarchs aswell like elon musk.
US was only defending, that's the difference. US wasn't allowed to cross the border into the north
However Russia is attacking
By this logic you'd excuse a nuclear strike on Ukraine because the US did that to Japan. Why shouldn't Russia do whatever inhumane and ruthless thing in wants?
Sir Scott speech the 100 percent reality sir Danny question extraordinary
Starmer is crying 😭😭
Starmer is a knob
I hate Starmer the 🤥🐍. Scotland UK. David
......and stammering....🤥
Let him cry lol ...
Thank you for telling the truth
Zelensky is a disgusting, disingenuous character! He needs to be gone!!
Beglensky IS disgusting,, first doing that idiotic sitcom about a Ukrainian Mook who becomes the president, then the oligarchs ACTUALLY MAKE him the president of Ukraine AND HE GOES ALONG with it... He's so psychotically greedy he sold the entire country of Ukraine,, now him and his pals are throwing Ukrainian men into a meat grinder to make sure Beglensky can keep his millions... He's evil...
The host is awesome in not interrupting, but just allowing the guest to freely articulate issues and allow the information to flow out and asks relevant questions at the right point, impressive !👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Scott Ritter is the Master-Chief political analyst!
From Chile the as* of the world I salute Mr. Ritter you are a peacekeeper
How many times have they moved NATO east after agreeing to never move NATO closer to Russia? How many times are you going to let the bully push you around before you push back? Russia is not the bully.
Long Live Putin the Great
God bless Russia and President Putin ♥️🇷🇺👍♥️🙏♥️❤❤❤
Thank you Scott and Danny ❤💯👍
@peaceb4 , Vladimir the Great .
So true
Volodimir, that is
Thank you Scot, great to hear your clarity given with decency.
Thanks Danny! It is always a pleasure listening to Scott. I always learn new things, get a more complete picture!
Bravo Russia 🇷🇺 and God bless Putin ❤💯✌️🙏🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺👍🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺for ever ❤
Putin is real man!!!
Why do you support a dictator and a murderer. He allows no free press or dissent. He kills those who disagrees with him.
Mr. Putin is wearing the same fatigue clothes as the generals to make it difficult for potential snipers to identify and target him. This tactic is similar to what we practiced when I served as aircrew (CT) with NATO AWACS during the Bosnian-Herzegovina war from 1994 to 1998. We all wore the same uniforms so that snipers couldn't easily distinguish and target officers.
@pierrelepage3544, You are "revealing" a big "military" secret there. The slightest bit of "sense" which the "military" has little of, would let the average man ( assuming the average man had any brains at all) on the street know that this "secret" was known at least from the time of Alexander the Great . From the time of the cave man even.
Sniper doesn't know Putin face through a scope? Come on. try again.
Isn't an army uniform in most cases designed to camouflage ? do you feel about having been part of Nato's eastward expansionism ?
Ukrainian wasted all their NATO trained elite troops in Kursk. No wonder, Russian is no hurry to close the Kursk pocket.
Scott Ritter is 💯🎯 THANK YOU For TRUTH 🙏🕊️
Danny, please, a question for Mr. Ritter. Has his passport been returned yet? It would be nice if he could visit Russia again.
Of course he is in a military uniform he is in Kursk on the front lines! Duh
Thanks to Mr.scott Ritter for accurate updates on the conflicts around the world 🌎 always following....
Hi Scott All the best from Germany! U re real Analyst one! Best regards for Danny to! Geopolitics is real domain were only experts are alowed! 💪🇺🇸🤝🇺🇸🤝🇷🇺🤝🇩🇪
Watch Europa the last battle !
And hopefully Putin will win and not fall for China trap
Last week an American man who was fighting for Ukraine came home drapped in an American flag. Why?😢 There's no protection for mercenaries under the Geneva Convention. So sad.😢😢😢
If he is a mercenary...then why drape him with an American flag...?
"no protection for mercenaries" ? No?. No protection for murderers ? - Thanks God ?
Exactly. His loyalty was to 💵 and not his country.
Why not in the Ukrainian flag? 🤨 ‘Slava Ukraine’ and etc…🤔
He's not a mercenary. Not allowed to say who he actually is .
Thanks Scott for a great video, i wish we had a Scott Ritter in the UK,
So, ... Little (Z)elensky has been in thousands of pictures and videos wearing his green army tshirts, or even his black "Tacti-Cool" outfits and combat boots, almost never wearing a suit and tie. Nobody seems to be triggered by that. ... BUT, Putin who is the Commander IN Chief of all Russian forces is wearing a camouflage jacket 🧥for a day or two, and everybody is suddenly LOSING THEIR SHITT over that !!
We need more people like Scott Ritter to help people in better assessment of the situation.
Bravo Scott 👋👋👋
Thank you, Scott Ritter!
EU militarisation must be criminalised.
Scott, please post on the pipeline operation and comment the speech from Gen.Apti
pipeline disaster was for nothing. ukrainians would have retreated anyway without pipeline
Military garb says everything!
How can you not a see the strength of his message….. I’ve never seen him In fatigues ever!! in 25 years !
*Slava Rossiya* ❤️ 🇷🇺🪖💪🎖😎
the best and honest explanation of the "Conflict"
Amazing Interview! Thank you.
Thanks so much Scott 👍👍👍
Stephan Bandera is to Ukraine, as Winston Churchill is to the EU. Bandera was a war criminal, and Churchill fire bombed Dresden with full knowledge that Dresden at the time harboured thousands upon thousands of allied prisoners of war. So he was a war criminal too.
yes, Winston Churchill was a war criminal - Gallipoli, famine in India after
WW2, fire terror bombing of civilians in Germany. Read book by N.Kollerstrom, Britain Initiated both World Wars. Winston order bombing of Dresden, a non-military site full of civilian refugees from the east - a major war crime. Churchill was a severe alcoholic and was receiving checks from the Rothschilds to support his country house life style. Read Ali Tariq, Churchill - His Life and His Crimes
Churchill also sold Eastern Europe to the Russians Communist regime which is why this war is happening in the first place !
At least US could’ve done the same with Ukraine without war ! We all know Ukraine will, eventually go back to Russia so why all these crimes, those murdered innocent boys (some of them are not even mature yet) !
I hope Zelensky ends up in Hell and gets rejected by the Devil so evil he is ! Then it’s only Gheena for him !
And murdered Indians thousands
Churchill lived for war..... He was part of the 1918 allied conglomerate (still having unfinished business with the "Krauts") that concocted WW ll by giving the revenge crazed Nazi power grab underhand support towards a war Germany was guaranteed to lose for a second time. The Nazis goose stepped into the most crafty trap laid in history. Some emerged not entirely unsatisfied after the slaughter was over and wouldn't change this horrific history not even if they could , not even the Zionists.
If "mercenaries " are not protected by Geneva Convention, wonder what Russ. will do with those us ,uk and Fr. officers - " mercenaries" captured in Kursk ?
depends on if they are gentiles or not
YT is in pain and erasing comments .😫
@@l337pwnageWe're discussing Russia, not Israel. Russia is a Christian (gentile) country.
who cares? They knew the risks they have been taking. They don’t have the right of all those poor young Ukraniens forced by Zelensky into their army.
Trade them for what Russia what's.
Scott, You are one of the very little amounts of reasons I am Proud to be American!🇺🇸❤️🇷🇺🇺🇸❤️🇷🇺🇺🇸❤️🇷🇺🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Refreshing to hear someone speak the truth about this situation!
Every single time I point out that this is not a ”full scale invasion” people get perplexed… I tell them that if it was an ”full scale invasion” why would Kiev have water and elctricity, why would trains run, why would every major bridge still be standing, why would there be electric power in 99.9% of the country still…..
A Leader who cares about his People and will protect his Country against attack!......and we've got Kier Starmer?
What attack? Russia attacked first.
The proxy war in Ukraine is the first time Russia tried to pick on someone their own size and Russia is getting humiliated
That's correct.
NATO has lots of expensive hi tech weapons systems which can cause problems for an enemy but ultimately not a war winner. What's really needed is the good old fashioned 'boots on the ground' which the west are unwilling to do.
Getting humiliated by not sending any of their troops giving ukraine 30 year old weapons to fight with 😂
Keep dreaming.@@Daculaboy
@@Daculaboy 30 NATO officers captured in Kursk region. They gave 30 years old weapons because they didn't have any better.
@@Daculaboy Ukraine lost over 20% of their landmass and is out of volunteers.. Drones and APCs with satellites and NATO AA and AT isn't "30 year old equipment". Go volunteer over there if you think it's not a humiliation.
The BBC has a different edge! Are we surprised?
Imagine The Invasion Of Russia In WW2 ... You Can Bet The Russian People Do !
Whatever we think about Putin, Russia won Ukraine lost. End of.
And America is evil
Reality is crazy this days,leaders go on TV and talk who gonna Murder,Kill???WTF
This planet Earth is very SICK!!!
PEACE and ❤
Peace and love doesn't make money
What did the west accomplish in Ukraine after 3 years of war???remember Russian resilience and determinations.truth always prevails
The west was willing to use ukraine to weaken Russia. The war was alot of stupidity to go around and not necessary. West could of avoided it and putin didnt need to do it. Putin just showed the world the west only needs to fear him for nukes and his relationship with China. His army is uncoordinated, atrocious logistics, and a missing airforce. He straight up won though.
“Peaceful “ukr army attempted today to enter Belgorod, russia with tanks
Did Marco Rubio, with whom they signed, asked them what for?
Rumours of Ukraine/Kiev's Successful Campaign in the Kursk Region of Russian Territory - are grossly Exaggerated!
Media drumming the drums whenever ukrs liberates a chicken house in abandoned village .😂
that whole region is a wasteland now, i've spoken to people living in Kursk, no one is planning to return to their ruined towns.
@@adult_swimm and now imagine the countless cities and towns Russia has liberated
Long live the great Putin
I’m aware that this matter is complex and Ukraine is not innocent, but do you have to call him Putin the great? lol I’m just saying.
@billybit sound good to me4790
@@billyb4790 They are either bots or sick in the head.
@@billyb4790 why shouldn't they? You from your american perspective may find it wierd and concerning, you may support Russia due to liberal hypocrisies, but the core of russian support base is this: Russian jingoism and Putin's personality cult. Don't look away
Trump blew his chance for a Nobel Peace Prize.
😅 Nobel Peace Prize for the last 50 or 60 years is a joke.
@@kazmierzglinny6728 PEACE 屁屎。
Only crooks get it
Nobel peace prize is garbage that is why killers awarded.
What should he have done? Tell Ukraine to surrender?
Bravo Scott Ritter stari Srbine!!!
Viva Presidente VLADIMIR PUTIN ❤
I heard Russia even have 620,000 soldiers in waiting!
Thanks for the presentations.
I assume VVP wearing uniform when visiting Kursk is for Russia indicating his focus on his role protecting the motherland militarily.
The whole issue is how USA under Trump can retreat from Ukraine without admitting the failure. The USA have Hountis and Iran and Israel to worry about.
Why would they admit failure? They've never even admitted to being there, lol. They just admit to providing assistance and they only even admit that because Rus. has Abrams sitting in their impound lot. 😂
" Assistance" 😉😎
USA has not yet arrived in Ukraine
@@adult_swimm There from day 1.
@adult_swimm There from day 1.
Путин сказал не брать в плен наёмников. По словам освобожденных жителей Курской области, помимо украинских нацистов именно наемники из Грузии, Польши и пр убивали мирное население. А среди простых украинских солдат мобилизованных были и нормальные люди, кто даже чем то помогал мирным жителям, которые голодали и даже умирали от голода
Please include the dates of the interviews in your descriptions. Time is of the essence.
True Scott,Russia isnt at war,its simply a smo.
Putin has earned his rightful place in the dustbin of history. He will forever be remembered as a fart in the wind
One of the worst war criminals in modern history.
Genocider of his own people for money and fame; he is the definition of SOLD OUT.
@@mariaangelicabrunellsolar7086I'd say he has competition with Netanyahu.
@@mariaangelicabrunellsolar7086 He is a just puppet - he has bosses who tell him what to do. Who are the real puppet masters? The same group that starts all wars evrerywhere.
Hope you’re right.
Exactly Scott. Special military operations that limit Russia to regions its seeking to defend. Which is why they haven't taken Ukraine. By international law Russia had every right to intervene but what zelensky did in kursk was an illegal invasion under international law and under Russian law they are terrorists that committed war crimes. Nobody has ever pointed that out or even did a video to explain the difference.
Scott can, he is an expert unlike many besserwissers.
Im European and i didnt even noticed 1 bullet ....not even from gangs....ALL MY LIFE !!!
Can we ask for a better place in our Planet ?
Putin and hopefully Trump (we will see) are the greatest leaders of our time.
Fighting for your sovereignty ... Dream on!
Both demonized, the last two leaders left, against the New World Order & One World Government!!! That’s why Ukraine is being used to make the U.S. & Russia destroy each other in Ukraine. Ukraine without the U.S. support, would have gone under long ago. Our support is prolonging the war!! Biden & Bictoria Nuland started this war, by installing Zelensky & used our USAID money to do it!! Americans are tired of being robbed & manipulated!!!
Meant Trump & Putin demonized.
I missed the part where “ Putin destroyed Trump”.
Love Russia
You, McGregor, and Jefferie Sach add insight, thanks
Seeing the truth and admitting it, even to themselves, are two very different things.
you don't need fancy suits to screw and deceive the population of a country over. The fancy suit does the same with the smile on their face to while talking to you.
Thanks for the knowledge scott
Thanks so much for your excellent breakdown of the Russian SMO and how it has taken place.
Thank You.
To be honest, i don't think any country would an armed force on their border, regardless of whether it's a neutral zone or not
Much of the news change very quickly, so please put a date of the video. This appears to be prior to the recent Trump phone call.
Putin just made a huuuuuuge statement by showing up in military fatigue. In other words: "and now the real war begins!" No more handling this with kids gloves! 😮
Really appreciate this content
A couple weeks ago Scott was so fired up about Trump being the ultimate American peacekeeper, now the U.S. is bombing Yemen.
As stated here, "R**sian people are not defined by geographic borders but by a shared heritage, culture, religion, [language] etc, etc." Not dissimilar statement to those given by Br*tain to justify sailing to war over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands (8,000 miles from the UK) with Argentina (940 miles away from Argentina) 40 years ago. Yet to some like the GB PM, this philosophy suddenly doesn't apply. Go figure!
We are NOT out of the woods yet When Peace And Safety Is Spoken Sudden Destruction Comes.
Do we get to keep our shovels? If yes, then we agree to ceasefire.