My very first fan-art!
Posted 16 years ago
I'll be at All Fur Fun!
Posted 17 years agoHi everyone. :) Just wanted to drop a quick line that I'll be at All Fur Fun next month. You've probably seen the banner on FA's main page lately - it's in Spokane, WA, on April 18-20. They just posted the schedule today, and I'll be running an erotic writing panel on Saturday. Come on by!
Not sure what I'm going to cover yet - I've never done anything like this before. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll go well. Any of you have anything you want me to touch on?
And this probably goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Adults only. :)
Hope to see you all there!
Not sure what I'm going to cover yet - I've never done anything like this before. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll go well. Any of you have anything you want me to touch on?
And this probably goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Adults only. :)
Hope to see you all there!
Problem solved!
Posted 17 years agoOops! Somehow my "View Mature Artwork" flag was set to "No". When I set it to "Yes", everything went back to normal. False alarm, everybody! (hugs)
Check your user page!
Posted 17 years agoFurAffinity appears to be having some serious issues with reporting everyone's content. My userpage is currently showing that I have 7 submissions, but none of them actually appear on the front page. None of my journals are showing up either, and only 4 out of the many items I've added to my Favorites list are showing up. :(
What's the deal? If you're having trouble with this too, we should all go bug the admins to fix it right away.
What's the deal? If you're having trouble with this too, we should all go bug the admins to fix it right away.
Thinking about opening up commissions...
Posted 17 years agoSo, I'm thinking about the possibility of starting some story commissions. I haven't decided yet, mainly because I'm not sure how much time or energy I'll have to devote to this, but I've had a few requests for sequels or followups to some of my stories, sometimes with specific elements thrown in (like vixens! Everybody likes vixens!). Perhaps it'd be a good way to make a little cash on the side, who knows? :)
For those of you who've read my stories, would there be much interest in having me write custom stories for you, to cater to your unique kinks? I'm pretty much anything-goes, with a few exceptions (mainly, no cub porn, infantilism, snuff, vore, heavy pain, mutilation or damage, and I'll reserve the right to refuse a request I'm not comfortable with). I *love* writing about tentacles, animals, groups and orgies, teasing and seduction, and the occasional magic play.
Aside from the various requests I've gotten now and then, I'm also up against a slight wall: I don't think there's much more I can do with the Friendly Tentacles storyline without just writing more of the same, and while there's still a lot of ground left to explore with Mark and Kim, there are a few lines I don't want to cross with those particular characters (like pregnancy, which I've seen several requests for). I figure I can justify writing "more of the same" if it's to fulfill a request or a fantasy for someone else, since it'll basically be THEIR story, not mine per se.
So, any interest? If there's a strong interest, I'll maybe take one or two commissions to start and see how it goes. :) Lemme know!
For those of you who've read my stories, would there be much interest in having me write custom stories for you, to cater to your unique kinks? I'm pretty much anything-goes, with a few exceptions (mainly, no cub porn, infantilism, snuff, vore, heavy pain, mutilation or damage, and I'll reserve the right to refuse a request I'm not comfortable with). I *love* writing about tentacles, animals, groups and orgies, teasing and seduction, and the occasional magic play.
Aside from the various requests I've gotten now and then, I'm also up against a slight wall: I don't think there's much more I can do with the Friendly Tentacles storyline without just writing more of the same, and while there's still a lot of ground left to explore with Mark and Kim, there are a few lines I don't want to cross with those particular characters (like pregnancy, which I've seen several requests for). I figure I can justify writing "more of the same" if it's to fulfill a request or a fantasy for someone else, since it'll basically be THEIR story, not mine per se.
So, any interest? If there's a strong interest, I'll maybe take one or two commissions to start and see how it goes. :) Lemme know!
Still workin' me out.
Posted 18 years agoAfter thinking about it for a while, I decided that "herm ferret" just wasn't me. I'm not hyperactive and into shinies. I'm more laid back, really. And much as I like herms, I think I'd work better as a straight-up female.
Notice I said "straight-up", not "straight". I'll take you all on! ;)
So, female Red Panda, anyone?
Notice I said "straight-up", not "straight". I'll take you all on! ;)
So, female Red Panda, anyone?
Hi! I'm new here.
Posted 18 years agoYay! I finally made it onto FurAffinity! But, I need an avatar. Hmm....