Lesson 3 -How to make basic sleeves pattern in an easy way / application of measurements

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Hi, for full-fledged and detailed online pattern making and sewing classes and for all sewing tools please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com.
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    We teach in an easy way using simple methods and professional techniques so that even beginners can easily understand our classes. To get updates about the videos we upload please SUBSCRIBE to our channel and press the bell icon.
    This video is for absolute beginners in sewing. In this video I have shown 'Drafting sleeves pattern'. You will learn to draft your own sleeves pattern. This is like foundation for all other sleeves. I have tried to explain in the simplest way possible. Before watching this class, please watch "Lesson 1-How to take body measurements" and Lesson 2 and after this video watch "Lesson4".
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Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @beaufortoak
    @beaufortoak 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you Savitha! It's been 40 years since I did pattern drafting. My granddaughter wants me to make her an off-the shoulder dress for her prom, and I can't let her down. Now I am feeling more confident to make her a basic block and start from there. Thanks, again! Will watch many more of your videos, you are so clear in your instructions. Thumbs up and subscribed!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад

      Thanks so much for your positive comment. Glad you liked.
      For more full fledged and detailed pattern making and sewing classes, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @sharisvm4547
    @sharisvm4547 2 года назад +2

    It's the first time i have came across a tutorial video which is so perfect with a tutor who is genuinely trying to share her knowledge...
    I love you maam. Thank you sooo much.
    After years of messing up with fabrics, now finally it's time to do some actual stitching.....

  • @nitaholder4242
    @nitaholder4242 7 лет назад +5

    That was undoubtedly the easiest sleeve making tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thank you.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @deborahhimoonde3900
    @deborahhimoonde3900 Год назад +1

    Wow! I wish I found this sooner. So this was posted 8yrs ago. I started my sewing journey in 2yrs,7months ago, with RUclips videos of course.
    Yet, this is the only simplest, straight to the point and clear video on sleeves I've seen in 2yrs. The sleeves fit perfectly to the dress I'm making, I didn’t have to put up a fight. This is how it should feel.
    No more sleeve anxiety, phew! A huge thank you for this video ma'am.🙏❤️ Definitely subscribing. Thank youuuu!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  Год назад

      Thanks for your kind words
      For full fledged classes, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @ritamazloum9766
    @ritamazloum9766 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for your amazing explanations. I did a bachelor degree, worked with designers and now another course at private college and still couldn't learn pattern making properly. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge especially in a world where people don't want to help those that want to learn. You are awesome! and I am so grateful for your tutorials!!!!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks so much for your kind words of appreciation. Glad you find our classes useful.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @farhanahoosen3809
    @farhanahoosen3809 2 года назад +1

    Thank you!!
    You simplify stuff, that's what we home sewers want.
    God bless

  • @anungimsong6284
    @anungimsong6284 4 года назад +5

    After searching for such a long time for a pattern cut tutorials finally I've found one just exactly what I was looking for.. Thank you so much savita.. It's totally worth it. May God bless your talent and your hard work

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  4 года назад

      Thank you. God bless you too.
      Do visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com for quality sewing tools and for more full fledged online classes.

  • @Zuwatilyyours
    @Zuwatilyyours 7 лет назад +1

    Best sleeve tutorial so far. Many thanks.

  • @Bharathi-joshi
    @Bharathi-joshi 5 лет назад +4

    Omg!! After a long time i got good teacher, you explained so well that i understood clearly. I didnt know how to use french curve you taught me that. Dear mam hats off to you for teaching so nicely. I didnt know to draft sleeves perfectly. You are amazing, thank you for helping struggling tailors. Lots of love.

    • @Bharathi-joshi
      @Bharathi-joshi 5 лет назад +2

      Why i didnt come to your channel earlier otherwise i would have masterd by this time

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад

      Thanks for your kind words.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад

      For more full fledged and detailed pattern making and sewing classes and for all sewing tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

    • @Bharathi-joshi
      @Bharathi-joshi 5 лет назад

      Yeah sure mam

  • @Ryetara
    @Ryetara 7 лет назад +1

    Savitaji yours are the the most detailed, well narrated and simple to follow tutorials I have found !!! EXCELLENT Thank you so much! God Bless!!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks so much for your encouraging and appreciative words.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

    • @Ryetara
      @Ryetara 7 лет назад

      Savi's Fashion Studio yes definitely will do so !!! Thank you again namasteji 💗

    • @irenevanthroo3013
      @irenevanthroo3013 7 лет назад

      afikaanse jurken modelen

  • @maryjune21
    @maryjune21 8 лет назад +98

    Savitha, I am so deeply thankful to you that you can't even realize. Your videos and tutorials have come like answers to my frustrated efforts of learning to stich on my own. May God bless you forever for sharing your knowledge so selflessly and making it easier for others.
    Thank you.

  • @julianawanjau2466
    @julianawanjau2466 2 года назад +1

    Thanks soo much for your articulate explanations and tutorials. I have been having issues in cutting sleeves,after following your guidelines am sorted for life. God bless you ma'am. Looking forward to joining the online sewing classes. Once again, thanks dearlie.

  • @chandninairp
    @chandninairp 9 лет назад +5

    Thank you savitha...more informative than any other video that I have watched.

  • @ramloganfracic5761
    @ramloganfracic5761 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge to the world. Blessings

  • @manayousuf
    @manayousuf 9 лет назад +11

    Amazing videos, thank you Savita for making it simple and easy to understand!

  • @navitasookram985
    @navitasookram985 2 года назад +1

    you are an excellent teacher. i was always intimidated by the measurements and it that had prevented me from learning more in depth about sewing. but i must say after watching this video i have gained not only knowledge but a whole lot of confidence. i just want to say thank you for sharing.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  2 года назад

      Thanks for your kind words.
      Do visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com for detailed online classes and quality sewing tools.

  • @nandiniashok106
    @nandiniashok106 8 лет назад +6

    wonderful tutorial..very clear.. wish i had seen this before i confused myself with a different tutorial..

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  8 лет назад

      Thanks for leaving a positive comment and glad you found our classes useful.
      If interested you may also check our full fledged classes on www.savisfashionstudio.com.

  • @sushmitakaur2381
    @sushmitakaur2381 9 лет назад +1

    woww.....I am watching tutorials online since 3 year and joined courses also for fashion designing, but never saw a teacher like you. you r best of all. Thank you so much for helping so many people like me. love your work. may God bless you. 👍💟💝💕🌹🌸🌼🌺🌻

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Sushmita Kaur Thank you so much for your beautiful comments....god bless you too :-)

  • @radheymohan6780
    @radheymohan6780 4 года назад +3

    This was the easiest way to understand this.
    You are doing a great job mam for the upcoming fashion designing students. I wish I had seen this tutorial before watching the other tutorial. ✌️😍😍😍😍

  • @sharadaundemane4644
    @sharadaundemane4644 9 лет назад +1

    you are an excellent teacher. soft spoken and your teaching is a great help to many people. thanks a lot,.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Sharada Undemane Thanks and glad my videos are helpful :-)

  • @majesticcreations3222
    @majesticcreations3222 4 года назад +3

    The easiest and best sleeve tutorial on youtube for me

  • @alexiabrown8443
    @alexiabrown8443 9 лет назад

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gift, talent and passion for sew with the world. I totally love Indian fashion and have been watching videos for well over a year now trying to find someone that I can understand and follow their tutorials. Yours for me is by far the best. I have struggled with making sleeves and after following this tutorial I am no longer afraid of drafting the sleeve sloper or attaching it to my garments. I look forward to showing you what your tutorials have allowed me to create because of the ease of your instructions. Again THANK YOU and May God Bless you abundantly for sharing your gifts, talents and passion for sewing. Be Blessed!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Alexia Brown Hi, thank you for taking time to leave an appreciative comment, it means a lot. You may share your work with me on my FB facebook.com/sewingclassesinbangalore .

    • @alexiabrown8443
      @alexiabrown8443 9 лет назад

      Savi I most definitely will. :-)

  • @sequinflowqer
    @sequinflowqer 9 лет назад +15

    I never knew how to properly use my French curve thanks a lot ur a nice teacher

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      sequinflowqer Thank you :-)

    • @abidharawoof3956
      @abidharawoof3956 8 лет назад

      Savi's Fashion Studio The curve is not proper if the measurements are big. Any other alternative?

  • @frankylombard5016
    @frankylombard5016 7 лет назад

    Thank you sooooooo much for your beautifully presented video, i have been searching for hours on the internet and by grace found this video. at long last i understand and will never again struggle with a sleeve pattern. thank you soo much. Yeshua bless you and keep you.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks so much for your appreciative words. God bless you too.
      For detailed full fledged online sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @mohdsalman5093
    @mohdsalman5093 8 лет назад +14

    your explanation is soooo good

  • @mirellamancuso6882
    @mirellamancuso6882 7 лет назад

    dear savita! this tutorial is soooo helpful and well done!! so clear to me! thank you from the heart!! god bless you!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks for the positive and encouraging comment. God bless you too for good heartedly appreciating.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @mastanvali7448
    @mastanvali7448 4 года назад +3

    My good ness to have like u n ur channel sister 🙏

  • @ritafairclough6470
    @ritafairclough6470 3 года назад +1

    Wow very good video lots of information that I didn't know...I think I must have been sleeping in school Thank you for sharing.

  • @saritasingh-pf3sm
    @saritasingh-pf3sm 9 лет назад +3

    hi savi, I liked the way u teach. keep it up. wish to see some western patterns like tops n skirts.

  • @mindvault9226
    @mindvault9226 6 месяцев назад +2

    This is the only video I've seen the back and front curve being cut differently. Thank u

  • @malaanand7229
    @malaanand7229 9 лет назад +4

    Hi savitha, can you please clarify if seam allowance needs to be added - I.e. in addition to the ease allowance- to the draft before cutting. Also is there any formula or mathematical calculations to get the arm hole measurement using the chest or shoulder measurement...particularly while making a draft for self? Thanks

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад +6

      +Mala Anand Hi, in the paper pattern, I don't add seam allowance [the paper pattern is of the body measurement and ease]. I add seam allowance only before cutting the fabric. There are other methods of pattern making too but I find this simpler which has no formula or much calculation [as shown in this video]. Before cutting the paper pattern, just measure the arm hole and make sure it matches with the arm hole measurement taken on the body.

  • @66274037
    @66274037 6 лет назад

    Thank you verymuch savi it’s been longtime for me to understand how to make patern, through your step by step teaching on line i catch up all your instruction more power and Godbless you a thousand thanks savi’ .😘😘😘😘🙏🏼❤️👍.from philippines w/ love.

  • @doufohxiydtiskyxyidtus
    @doufohxiydtiskyxyidtus 9 лет назад +3

    hi savi, u r very beautiful. thank u so much for uploading

  • @felicidadefernandes6182
    @felicidadefernandes6182 2 года назад +1

    Thanks Savitha, loved the way you explain so clearly.

  • @bharathsajith5348
    @bharathsajith5348 7 лет назад +3

    Hi savitha can you show me how to stitch different tips of collars

  • @poodgepoypao3345
    @poodgepoypao3345 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for making it easy for us beginners!!!

  • @LoniLovesLife
    @LoniLovesLife 8 лет назад

    Savi you are absolutely amazing. I am learning pattern drafting and your method is so much simpler than what I am learning. You are do a great service. Thank you so much.

  • @notesfromleisa-land
    @notesfromleisa-land 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for your clear teaching. My teaching the fundamentals, you provide an excellent basis for understanding garment construction for specific body types.

  • @komaldave3456
    @komaldave3456 4 года назад +1

    mam...i am really thankful bcoz your method to teach is very best & simple ...and you & your English is fine & fluents....,🙏

  • @padminikadle4957
    @padminikadle4957 3 года назад +1

    Madam,you teach so pleasantly and patiently .Thank you

  • @chicfrancisco6845
    @chicfrancisco6845 7 лет назад

    It is still good to learn other methods of pattern-making. Good job!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thank you.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @nazeehash9519
    @nazeehash9519 3 года назад +1

    after the tons of search find it very easy.thank you so much

  • @bethduffus4598
    @bethduffus4598 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you Savitha. Finally, a sleeve pattern that works, and it's so simple! I have tried so many times to get this right. I wish I had spotted your video ages ago.

  • @umimode8434
    @umimode8434 3 года назад +1

    Many thanks for your kind instruction of this basic sleeve. 🥰

  • @TheSweetiemoo
    @TheSweetiemoo 7 лет назад

    i have watched 20 videos on how to make a sleeve template and this is the first video that has made it simple enough for a beginner thank you so much :)

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks for your appreciative comment. Glad this helped.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @reginadsilva1559
    @reginadsilva1559 Год назад +1

    Hello dear...
    You are really very genuine., explaining very well... I have gone through all your class... And again I go through.... Thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🚕🚗😘🙂😊😍

  • @ajmd3655
    @ajmd3655 6 лет назад

    Very clear method I had ever seen. Good English describer. Thank you so much. good luck Savi.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thank you for the appreciative words.
      for full fledged and detailed online sewing classes and for pattern making & sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @itsgastronomical3850
    @itsgastronomical3850 5 лет назад

    I can't thank you enough... Never in my life i knew the correct way to draft sleeve... Thank you very much... Today onwards you are my guru....Thanks you ... Thanks a ton

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад

      Thanks for your kind appreciative comment. Glad you found this useful.
      For full fledged and detailed online pattern making and sewing classes and for all sewing tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @giftamos
    @giftamos 2 года назад +1

    Wow 😳 as a beginner now I love your Explanation and the way you show me how to cut it thanks

  • @mscalucas
    @mscalucas 7 лет назад

    Your videos are so user-friendly and I've learned so much. Thank you for existing.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks so much for the positive comment.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @sojashyju2196
    @sojashyju2196 8 лет назад

    Thanks thank u very much.U r so kind hearted person, only bcos of ur online classes I learnt churidar stitching. Thank u for ur help

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  8 лет назад

      Thanks for your kind appreciation.
      For more online sewing classes and for pattern making & sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @elizabethmohandas1099
    @elizabethmohandas1099 7 лет назад

    Saving you are very talented clear and simple and simple way of your teaching methods and your software way of speaking iam very much impressed it helps us to learn more thank you may that God bless you and give you the same talent with lots of health and wealth with the same smile God bless you thank you

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks for the wishes and blessings. God bless you too.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @tabassoumomar5000
    @tabassoumomar5000 8 лет назад

    We always discover a very simple and appreciable way for sewing. Thanks a lot mam

  • @tiwoofwoof
    @tiwoofwoof 8 лет назад

    Dear Savitha, I want to thank you so much for all those infos you gave... everything is so easy to understand... I have been looking since a long time to find someone who could explain all this to me in order to start sewing this type of clothe.... Your great and thank you so much for taking your time to explain all those details. isabelle

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  8 лет назад

      Thanks for taking time to appreciate.
      for more Online sewing classes and for pattern making and sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @Jem-ry6jl
    @Jem-ry6jl 7 лет назад +2

    thank you for this very easy tutorial on making sleeves . I'm really having a hard time making one.but with this video i have make it.thanks again.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Glad this class helped.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @sangeeta4032
    @sangeeta4032 7 лет назад

    Perfect explanation. Never ever came across this method of explanation . All my doubts are clear now. Ur way of teaching is awesome. Thanks a lot.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks for the appreciative words.
      For detailed full fledged online sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @SturdyKatherine
    @SturdyKatherine 9 лет назад +1

    This is very well explained and extremely thorough. I've been looking for kurti or kameez patterns so I can wear comfortable clothing when I visit India next year. I am so very glad I've found your videos!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Katherine Sturdy Thanks for taking time to appreciate. Glad my videos are helpful to you :-)

  • @rachelperaud1945
    @rachelperaud1945 4 года назад +1

    Dear savitha, i am now addict to your chanel. You are wonderful. Thank you dear. Keep it up. Just for us.

  • @stelselv
    @stelselv 4 года назад +1

    👍🏾👍🏾 I learnt how to draft patterns, however it is helpful to relearn.. Thank for your videos, I enjoy them very much😍.

  • @sangeethapandy3175
    @sangeethapandy3175 7 лет назад

    U r superb... I am trying to learn to stitch... I went to a person n tried to learn to transfer body measurements as pattern n never could. 2 classes with u n I am understanding

  • @sandyashivram3268
    @sandyashivram3268 7 лет назад

    mam I'm very glad to say that ur teaching method is wonderful.

  • @suganthia6542
    @suganthia6542 6 лет назад

    I was really confused on how to make a perfect sleeve patern.. your vedio is very clear in mentioning each and every detail. Thank you so much. It helped me a lot.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thanks, glad it was useful.
      For full fledged pattern making and sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com.

  • @lystraoctave2640
    @lystraoctave2640 5 лет назад +1

    Your videos are very informative best tutorial i came across

  • @jitendervasudeva1943
    @jitendervasudeva1943 9 лет назад

    Till date I have not seen anyone explaining so well like u and that too with such a clear accent. Bravo Betu......... But I am a beginner

  • @usharaju1
    @usharaju1 9 лет назад +1

    Hi Savi! All your videos are absolutely perfect and clear. I have tried it out and found that your methods give a perfect fitting. My request is you should soon upload a perfect method for stitching a saree blouse. It will be of great help to people like me who are passionate about stitching. Eagerly waiting. Great job! Keep up the great work.

  • @jayshreepatel4752
    @jayshreepatel4752 9 лет назад

    Dear savita i have seen so many video on you tube i have never comment on any one but you force me to do so ,as simply you are simple great you explain so well for this i love you .

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Jayshree Patel Thank you so much, that's very kind of you. Comments like these keeps us motivated, thank you :-)

  • @mariyamrahman1390
    @mariyamrahman1390 6 лет назад

    Savi very thankful to you for online class because when we have any quarry we open the mobile thankyouones again happy sewing

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thanks so much. Happy sewing :-)
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @tiwoofwoof
    @tiwoofwoof 9 лет назад +1

    Good evening Savitha, as Laikha Ishrath said, this is so much easier to understand your videos. I have been looking since a long time to find someone who could give some sewing courses on how to make those beautiful garments. I thank you so much for those very good and helpful explanations... I only hope that I will now be able to sew some nice ones for myself and some people I know. Wish we could have more and more helpful explanations on how to do all those nice and special collars. Thank you so much and long life to your sewing lessons. Isabelle

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  9 лет назад

      +Isabelle Racine Thank you for taking time to appreciate :-)

  • @ushasalgaunker4787
    @ushasalgaunker4787 7 лет назад

    Savio madam you are great and the best,very professional tutorials!

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks, glad you liked.
      For full fledged online sewing classes and for sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @antonioteul3590
    @antonioteul3590 6 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, God bless you and greetings from Belize.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thank you, Namaste from India :-). God bless you too.
      For full fledged pattern making and sewing classes, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com.

  • @Joynwewin
    @Joynwewin 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all. I have been looking for information on how to make blouse. May God bless you with more talents.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  7 лет назад

      Thanks so much for taking time to appreciate.
      for full fledged professional online sewing classes and to buy pattern making and sewing tools please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com. Saree blouse course is uploaded there.

  • @poojaagarwal9466
    @poojaagarwal9466 6 лет назад

    You are amazing and incredible. I have watched so many videos but didn't find what I was looking for but then I find your channel which is absolutely amazing. You thoroughly teach everything. Wonderful. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 😃

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thanks so much for your kind appreciative words.
      For full fledged and detailed pattern making and sewing classes and for all the tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @zehraatique8495
    @zehraatique8495 6 лет назад

    Very logical and correct usage of tools thanks for the tutorial

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад

      Thanks for the positive comment.
      For full fledged and detailed pattern making and sewing classes, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com.

  • @julianamarcano2574
    @julianamarcano2574 8 лет назад

    thanks for the simple draft, I'm grateful for the lessoe

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  8 лет назад

      Thanks for leaving a positive comment.
      for more online sewing classes and for pattern making and sewing tools, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @dhanalaxmi15
    @dhanalaxmi15 9 лет назад +1

    Very brilliantly explained from the videos so far i have watched. now i have a better idea on sleeve marking

  • @rosemarymohan6484
    @rosemarymohan6484 9 лет назад +1

    great.really so clear explanation.you seem to be a very patint teacher.good luck savi.

  • @roopas.565
    @roopas.565 6 лет назад

    Very helpful videos. Just love all ur videos. Thank you

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thanks so much. Glad you liked.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @journeywithjinglingjeevika5825
    @journeywithjinglingjeevika5825 Год назад +1

    Ma'am I love your videos....will watch all of them 😍🎉❤

  • @STabua
    @STabua 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Savita for this lesson 💜

  • @florenceekhodabux9686
    @florenceekhodabux9686 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much mam. God bless you abundantly for sharing your knowledge.

  • @supriyageorge4097
    @supriyageorge4097 3 года назад +1

    I learn from u and stich my own kurti 😊 thank u

  • @MsSuzie47
    @MsSuzie47 6 лет назад

    Thankyou so much. Ur titorials are so well explained. U take it slowly and u cover everything. Its hard to find indian clothing tutorials in English. Again thankyou for a great job

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  6 лет назад

      Thanks for your appreciative words. Glad you liked.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for pattern making tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @xnnlinsan3100
    @xnnlinsan3100 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thankyou somuch. New subscriber here
    you make me want to learn sewing again.

  • @sadaftouqeer504
    @sadaftouqeer504 8 лет назад

    mam ur style is too good.vry easy nd clear video.evry thing visibl clearly.Allah blessd you evr.

  • @ketakichitale5170
    @ketakichitale5170 3 месяца назад +1

    Can you please add this in the playlist? There is lesson 1 and 2 and then it jumps to lesson 4. All of your videos are very informative, instructions are easy to follow. Thank you.

  • @chandkanwar6705
    @chandkanwar6705 4 года назад +1

    Thanks you Savita ji ur videos are amazing and simple

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  4 года назад

      Thank you. Do visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com for quality sewing tools and for more full fledged online classes.

  • @colinrobson738
    @colinrobson738 4 года назад +2

    Thank you Savitha for your very simple explanation - first time I've even been able to understand this, I shall recommend you in future. One question: if you make for a child, how much would you add to the halfway point to get the curve? I guess it doesn't need as much as for an adult? Are there any other changes one should make for a child's sleeve?

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  4 года назад +1

      Thank you. It should be 2 - 3”. You may measure from shoulder edge to wrist and under arm to wrist and the difference would be the cap height.
      Visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com for full fledged online sewing classes and for quality sewing tools.

  • @vibhascookingchannel1078
    @vibhascookingchannel1078 Год назад +1

    Hi Savitha, your explanation is very amazing, it's really very easy to understand, am so glad to watch the video, thank you so much, n one thing Savithaji, I wanted to know about umbrella sleeves n madam can you please make video on that....

  • @rioharts6141
    @rioharts6141 4 года назад +1

    Thanks alot dia,the video was really helpful.

  • @tiffanyg.1656
    @tiffanyg.1656 9 лет назад +1

    She is the best! Thank you!

  • @missjo3945
    @missjo3945 Год назад +1

    thanks savi!!! just a suggestion to make your videos flipped to that beginners like myself can understand better!!! Thanks a bunchh

  • @calvinferguson311
    @calvinferguson311 6 лет назад

    You make it so simple. Simply the best

  • @angelshandloomcollection1422
    @angelshandloomcollection1422 5 лет назад

    Today only watched u r video it is very helpful me to learn. As I am learning online fashion designing courses it is very useful for me. Thank you.

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you.
      For full fledged online pattern making and sewing classes and for all sewing tools, please visit our website www.savisfashionstudio.com

  • @antialapi294
    @antialapi294 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for this sleeve.its simple to follow

  • @veerannalakkappa2695
    @veerannalakkappa2695 8 лет назад

    today i started learning it is easy to learn by your classes and i saw only lesson 1and2 . i will learn by your class thank you mam👍

    • @SavisFashionStudio
      @SavisFashionStudio  8 лет назад

      Thank you. Good luck in your learning.
      For more online sewing and pattern making classes and for sewing tools and supplies, please visit www.savisfashionstudio.com - regards, SF Studio LLP

  • @umabharti3916
    @umabharti3916 4 года назад +1

    You are really amazing. Great teacher 👍

  • @manikpremarathna1298
    @manikpremarathna1298 9 лет назад

    thanks mam,you are very good sewing teacher.sooo sweet I watching all videos thanks thanks.

  • @nithibasker4529
    @nithibasker4529 4 года назад +1

    Excellent explanation 👌

  • @graceameh7614
    @graceameh7614 9 лет назад

    I just found you. Thank you for making this video. The BEST VIDEO EVER. Cheers 👍👍👍