This is an old version of the document, which expired on May 19, 2021. The current version is available at:

Deli by Yango - Delivery Standards

1. The Courier shall arrive to the chosen Store at the beginning of the Slot with a two-wheeled vehicle, branded thermal bag and t-shirt, in clean and properly fitting clothes. It should be noted that without a thermal bag, the Courier may not provide Delivery Services, as the provision of Delivery Services without such bag is a violation of the standards.

2. The Courier may not be late to the chosen Store and Slot by more than 5 minutes. If the Courier cannot arrive by the beginning of the Slot or needs to leave before the end of the Slot, they must contact the Support Center and comply with their instructions. If the Courier is ill, they must notify the Support Center and cancel the Slot no later than 24 hours before it begins.

3. The Courier shall be polite to everybody: employees of Deli by Yango, users of Deli by Yango, pedestrians and all others.

4. After accepting a delivery order, the Courier shall receive a well packaged parcel from Deli by Yango personnel and place it directly in the thermal bag.

5. The Courier shall deliver the packaged parcel to the User within the estimated time as specified in the Yango Pro app from the moment of receipt if the User is located in a radius of 1 km from the Store.

6. During delivery, the Courier shall be careful with User’s order; the parcel shall not be dropped, shaken or damaged in another way. The Courier shall ensure that Third parties do not have access to a thermal bag and parcel.

7. The Courier shall pay attention to User instructions. If a User has asked not to ring the doorbell, the Courier shall not do so. The parcel shall be handed over to the User directly from the thermal bag of the Courier.

8. The Courier may not use the personal data of users for any purposes except the delivery of the User’s order. For example, the Courier shall not send private messages to the User.

9. Equipment. The Delivery Services shall be provided by the Courier only via specially branded delivery equipment and in branded clothes.

10. Yango may deduct sums of moneys from the Consideration of Courier in the event of violation of the abovementioned standards as specified in this Agreement.

11. Yango is entitled to make changes to this Annex at any time at its sole decision by sending a notice via the email and/or the Platform to the Courier without any prior notice.

Date of publication: 27.10.2020.