I recently discovered Princess Dragon-mom, Hair Police, Sissy Spacek, and Raionbashi & Kutzkelina. All fucking awesome, ear-splitting noise. I love it.
Hello hello everyone, I'm getting into unsigned bands at the moment, a lot of the bands whom I used to listen to have recently slumped (Foo Fighters, Incubus).
I've been to a couple of gig night and best bands that I've found are:
Twin Atlantic
Jocasta Sleeps
Both have largish collections on myspace music, catering to indie maybe a couple of twin atlantic songs are slightly heavier.
Pendulum, Papa Roach and P.O.D. tho not really a musical find since I had some songs from them in past but now I got time to download their albums and listen to them.
On other hand I found Hardcore TANOC and his album Hardcore Syndrome 2
a cool band that puts samurai type music in there music they are called whispered
There is no reason for me to stay in the real world any longer. In the real world, it dosen't matter if I am here or not. When I realize that, I am no longer afraid of losing my body.
Ulver have finally clicked with me after a few of the songs on the mixtapes, and then subsequently got me interested in Drudkh, Professor Fate and Vulture Industries via last.fm's Ulver radio.
"In the Beginning, the creative energy radiates from within."
No, no. That's Lame. Sounds like something out of a Jodorowsky comic.
The Tokusyu Manga Club - Features alternative comics/avant-garde comics/outsider comics/psychdelic comics/surrealistic comics/underground comics + La Nouvelle Manga (part of Alternative).
If I'm here, its because I have nothing better to do.
Katatonia's Dance Of The December's Soul is pretty nice album.
And right this moment I'm checking out Unexpect, since seeing them on a Progressive Nation tour with Opeth and Dream Theater.
And I'm making some plans of seeing 'em.