- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- ⭕Twitch (LIVE): / doknes
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IP: crafted.pl
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicsou...
pomysł na troll nazwa trollu: film. Chodzi o to ze zapraszasz widza do udziału w filmie. Wcześniej robisz studio filmowe itd. możesz tez mu grac dziwne role (najlepiej robic z inna osoba tego trolla) pozdro
Drugi dzień czekania
Fajne fajne podział
pomysł na troll:
Zamieniasz okolicę widza w księżyc
dajesz żeby ciągle była noc, podłoga z jakiś białych bloków i możesz jeszcze gdzieś daleko w niebie dobudować małą ziemię
XD ale bedzie widac ksiezyc ten normalny
moglby usunac modpackiem albo textura
@ no ale by wylaczyl czas w takim momencie w ktorym nie widac ksiezyca i jest ciemno
Pomysł na trolla:
Szukasz jakiegoś domku widza z większym obszarem (farma , jakieś budowle), ustawiasz skrzynkę z setem zakopaną w pobliżu albo na jego działce, podchodzisz jako losowy typ który szuka skarbów po kordach, na jego oczach wykopujesz i uciekasz. Coraz częściej odwiedzasz jego z podobnymi efektami. Możesz zostawić niby kordy podobne do jego np. x100-120 y-100-120 będzie odkopywał 20x20 kratek w poszukiwaniu skarbu
Co może się wydarzyć:
- Widz zacznie przeszukiwać swoją działkę, rozkopując wszystko
- Widz będzie wkurzony, że zabierasz jego przedmioty, i będzie chciał okłamać, że to jego
tak czy inaczej dobra zabawa z tego może wyjść. Na sam koniec zaproponujesz jemu przeprowadzkę, bo wiadomo kordy znane:)
ale AI
20:55 posłuchajcie sobie i ciągle klikajcie w to
To całe ranczo, daje mi vibe tych otwartych map z doom 2
20:55 Wystarczyło się z tamtąd wykopać dołem. Wtedy by cię nie znalazł.
Pomysł na trolla: Widz robi trolla
Dajesz jakiemuś widzowi możliwość używania komend, on udostępnia ci swój ekran. Gdyby mu się zachciało coś dodatkowego z tego zyskać. Teraz dajesz mu pomysł na trolla który ma zrobić, chyba że sam będzie miał jakiś dobry pomysł. To tyle, mam nadzieje że wybierzesz
On tego nie zrobi
Pomysł: Podejrzany turysta
Szukasz domu widza (koniecznie w górach lub na wyspie) pzrychodzisz ze specjalnym itemem "kamera" robisz nią zdjęcia jego/jej prywatnych rzeczy (rzeczy w skrzynkach, dom itd). Później robisz z jego/jej domu hotel. Resztę wymyśl Sam 😀 Powodzenia!
9:27 najlepszy moment ✨WrAcaJ TAm BędE MiAł PrzEZ CieBIE PrzYPaŁ
Pomysł na troll : Leak koordów, na początku grozisz widzowi że wyslesz na jakims dc koordy i po jakims czasie przychodzi jeden typ i rozbieracie widzowi dom potem przychodzi kolejny typ i tak ciagle
Pomysł na troll: ,,Jestem twoim koszmarem ,,. Polega na tym że kiedy widz położy się do łóżka, to zmieniasz duzy obszar na klimat bazaltowy aby z nieba spadał popiół dający wrażenie że widz zasnął. Kiedy widz śpi będziesz go straszył. Troll ma nawiązywać do filmu "Koszmar z Ulicy wiązów"
Doknes na yt 😊
Doknes na twichu 👿
Jaki jest na twichu ? Bo nie mam
@WILKURUclips przeklina, wyzywa xD kompletne przeciwienstwo jego youtubowej persony
@@DoloresLavelte serio?
@WILKURUclips tak , serio
The song 🗿
The beat 🗿
The creator 🗿
The producer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The software used to create this beat 🗿
The synthesizers 🗿
The drums 🗿
The bassline 🗿
The guitar riff 🗿
The background melodies 🗿
The sound effects 🗿
The sound engineers 🗿
The autotune 🗿
The studio where it was recorded 🗿
The recording booth 🗿
The microphone 🗿
The mixing board 🗿
The mastering process 🗿
The final touches 🗿
The speakers blasting the sound 🗿
The headphones 🗿
The earbuds 🗿
The phone playing the track 🗿
The Bluetooth connection 🗿
The AUX cord 🗿
The radio stations broadcasting it 🗿
The vibrations in the air 🗿
The sound waves 🗿
The subwoofer thumping 🗿
The car stereo booming 🗿
The vibrations in the walls 🗿
The windows rattling 🗿
The ones listening to it 🗿
The neurons firing in your brain as you vibe to it 🗿
The dopamine surge 🗿
The adrenaline rush 🗿
The goosebumps 🗿
The fans cheering 🗿
The viewers on RUclips 🗿
The thumbs up on the video 🗿
The comments left by fans 🗿
The pinned comment 🗿
The one who commented first 🗿
The guy who got ratio'd 🗿
The first person who heard it 🗿
The person who replayed it 50 times 🗿
The guy who added it to his playlist 🗿
The person who saved it offline 🗿
The one who recommended it to his friends 🗿
The one who shared it in a group chat 🗿
The people bobbing their heads 🗿
The guy lip-syncing 🗿
The DJs spinning this track 🗿
The party where this was the vibe 🗿
The house party shaking with the beat 🗿
The concert where it was played 🗿
The rave where the lights matched the music 🗿
The crowd jumping to the beat 🗿
The stage lights 🗿
The speakers on stage 🗿
The pyrotechnics 🗿
The laser lights 🗿
The fog machine 🗿
The fireworks in the background 🗿
The mosh pit forming 🗿
The people getting hyped 🗿
The hands up in the air 🗿
The festival where this track was played 🗿
The afterparty 🗿
The Uber ride home blasting it 🗿
The person humming the melody 🗿
The muscle contractions making you dance 🗿
The people posting fire emojis 🗿
The GIF reactions 🗿
The comments section 🗿
The algorithms pushing this to the top 🗿
The RUclips trending page 🗿
The Spotify viral charts 🗿
The people sharing it on social media 🗿
The Instagram stories 🗿
The TikTok videos 🗿
The reels 🗿
The algorithms pushing it further 🗿
The fan-made remixes 🗿
The nightcore version 🗿
The slowed + reverb version 🗿
The 1-hour loop 🗿
The fans listening on repeat 🗿
The house shaking from the bass 🗿
The car subwoofer booming 🗿
The windows vibrating 🗿
The neighbors complaining 🗿
The people putting it on during a party 🗿
The road trips with this on repeat 🗿
The Spotify Wrapped featuring this track 🗿
The year-end list 🗿
The workout playlist 🗿
The gym bros blasting it during sets 🗿
The headphones on full blast 🗿
The Bluetooth speakers in the park 🗿
The person running to the beat 🗿
The joggers 🗿
The cyclists 🗿
The gym 🗿
The squat rack 🗿
The leg press 🗿
The dumbbells 🗿
The barbells 🗿
The kettlebells 🗿
The bench press 🗿
The incline bench 🗿
The rowing machine 🗿
The spin bike 🗿
The treadmills 🗿
The elliptical 🗿
The weights clanking 🗿
The gym bros grunting 🗿
The cardio section 🗿
The squat racks 🗿
The weight plates 🗿
The chalk for gripping 🗿
The protein shakes 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The jars of creatine 🗿
The jars of BCAAs 🗿
The pre-workout 🗿
The protein powder 🗿
The protein bars 🗿
The energy drinks 🗿
The guy hitting a PR 🗿
The high-fives after hitting a new personal record 🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The wrist wraps 🗿
The lifting belts 🗿
The gym clothes 🗿
The sweatbands 🗿
The shaker bottles 🗿
The gym bags 🗿
The powerlifting chalk 🗿
The Bluetooth headphones 🗿
The earbuds falling out mid-set 🗿
The veins popping 🗿
The sweat dripping 🗿
The sweat-soaked shirt 🗿
The adrenaline kicking in 🗿
The guy doing extra reps 🗿
The steam room after a workout 🗿
The sauna 🗿
The cold showers 🗿
The post-workout soreness 🗿
The foam roller 🗿
The massage guns 🗿
The stretching mats 🗿
The mirrors reflecting those gains 🗿
The bodyweight exercises 🗿
The jump rope 🗿
The planks 🗿
The pull-up bar 🗿
The gym lockers 🗿
The water fountains 🗿
The vending machines 🗿
The pre-made meals 🗿
The high-protein snacks 🗿
The electrolytes 🗿
The calorie counters 🗿
The workout apps 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The gym membership 🗿
The recovery drinks 🗿
The post-workout smoothies 🗿
The sports massages 🗿
The muscle fibers repairing 🗿
The anabolic window 🗿
The soreness after leg day 🗿
The PRs being broken 🗿
The progress photos 🗿
The gym selfies 🗿
The Instagram posts of gains 🗿
The comments on those posts 🗿
The likes on those posts 🗿
The shares 🗿
The stories reposting gym goals 🗿
The fitness influencers 🗿
The workout tutorials 🗿
The lifting PRs 🗿
The macros 🗿
The meal prep 🗿
The calories burned 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The daily workout streak 🗿
The biceps flexing 🗿
The veins bulging 🗿
The protein-rich meals 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The people saying "one more set" 🗿
The squat depth 🗿
The motivational quotes 🗿
The workout music blasting in the background 🗿
The gym attire 🗿
The leggings 🗿
The sweat-wicking shirts 🗿
The tank tops 🗿
The sports bras 🗿
The lifting gloves 🗿
The resistance bands 🗿
The yoga mats 🗿
The end of the universe 🗿
The beginning of the next 🗿
The dark matter around it 🗿
The supermassive black hole 🗿
The expansion of space 🗿
The time dilation felt while vibing 🗿
The energy permeating everything 🗿
The strings of reality vibrating 🗿
The particles dancing to the frequency 🗿
The quantum fields affected 🗿
The Big Bang itself 🗿
The gravity of the situation 🗿
The speed of light being surpassed 🗿
The wormholes opening 🗿
The alternate realities formed 🗿
The cosmic dance of galaxies 🗿
The infinite potential of existence 🗿
The birth of stars as this plays 🗿
The cosmic dust swirling 🗿
The nebulae glowing 🗿
The fusion reactions ignited by this song 🗿
The pulsars pulsing to the rhythm 🗿
The supernovas exploding in sync 🗿
The black holes warping space-time 🗿
The quasar beams slicing through galaxies 🗿
The cosmic radiation vibrating 🗿
The entire universe humming with the beat 🗿
The parallel realities merging 🗿
The time loops repeating this song 🗿
The multiverse syncing to this frequency 🗿
The fourth dimension bending around it 🗿
The fifth-dimensional beings nodding their heads 🗿
The strings of the universe vibrating with every note 🗿
The quantum entanglement happening between listeners 🗿
The gravitational waves caused by the bass 🗿
The energy of every atom responding 🗿
The dark energy accelerating its expansion 🗿
The curvature of space bending around the sound 🗿
The cosmic background radiation absorbing the melody 🗿
The dimensions beyond our understanding feeling this 🗿
The philosophers contemplating its meaning 🗿
The poets writing verses inspired by it 🗿
The artists painting to the sound of the beat 🗿
The dancers moving in perfect sync 🗿
The actors making cinematic masterpieces with this in the background 🗿
The screenwriters crafting epic scenes set to this song 🗿
The novelists writing entire sagas inspired by its rhythm 🗿
The architects designing buildings that pulse with its beat 🗿
The cities shaped by the energy of this track 🗿
The lights of the world flickering to its tempo 🗿
The oceans rising and falling with the flow 🗿
The tides pulled by the gravitational pull of this song 🗿
The winds across the world swirling in sync 🗿
The essence of life itself flowing through the melody 🗿
The fabric of reality stretching as the song pulses 🗿
The energy in every atom accelerating 🗿
The vibrations of the universe reaching their peak 🗿
The infinite possibilities unfolding with every beat 🗿
The ultimate truth of existence being revealed 🗿
The very meaning of life unraveling in the song 🗿
The purpose of everything aligning with the rhythm 🗿
The cosmos awakening to its true nature 🗿
The divine spark within all beings igniting 🗿
The universe itself ascending 🗿
The final realization that we are all one with the beat 🗿
me 🗿
you 🗿
ur girlfriend 🗿
ur dog 🗿
ohio sigmas 🗿
mr beast followers 🗿
gymrats 🗿
average phonk user 🗿
ur skills 🗿
the people 🗿
my N word homie 🗿
ur food 🗿
People who liked this comment 🗿
8:45 mój ulubiony moment
12:44 smok endu
(Dzień 10) Pomysł na prank: Najgorszy nauczyciel prank. Wbijasz do widza i twierdzisz że np. 2+2 to 5 i inne takie rzeczy. Potem mówisz że przyprowadzisz swoich ucznów których uczysz w szkole niedaleko. Bierzesz jakichś widzów i wszyscy mają twierdzić że masz rację. Możesz pójść dalej i nawet zbudować szkołę którą pokażesz widzowi, a nawet proponować mu by zaczął się w niej uczyć. Pomysł na prank: Zapomiałem kim jestem prank. Przychodzisz do widza na swoim głównym koncie i udajesz że nie wiesz kim jesteś.
To jak fajne działanie 9+10=21
Tak wiem o co chodzi z kanałem
Antosix gaming 123 pl
16:03 antosiexgamig123pl ma
już 13 tysięcy
10:41 szynka to ze świni xd 😂
Pomysł na prank: Fałszywy Doknes
Idziesz do widza na koncie z nickiem Dokens i twoim skinem i mówisz że jesteś Doknes ale grasz w taki sposób aby myślał że to random który jest poprostu fanem (jeśli wybierzesz to proszę pokaż ten kom na filmie)
był już taki troll na kanale dilera
@@dark_lagoon ale to kanał doknesa
@@Bartolsik ale doknes też tam byl
Pytanie 1. Co sie stało z serią zagubieni w czasie i dlaczego nie została zaktualizowana
Pytanie 2.Kiedy nowa Seria? Zrób cos znowu z tajemniczą wyspą bo to legendarna seria zróbcie powrót na tajemniczą wyspę (wiem ze to ma 5 serii)🎉🎉
28 marca wychodzi wersja reżyserska uwięzionych
Komenda Na Brak Palenia Się I Ognia Na Ciele: /attribute Dokness burning_tine base set 0!
Wróciłem ze szkoły o 16 a ty film już 2h temu wrzuciłeś, ty to masz dobrze
Fajny film 😊😊
Szynke się robi z świni a nie z kury XD
Brat nie zrozumial zartu
Z kur też można jsk coś
@@Tosia._. z kur to rosół
@@Kacponek nie tylko
10:40 nie chce się wymądrzqć ale szybka jest z świń XD
Jesteś wspaniały ❤
pomysł na troll : zakochany ty w widzu xd dalej możesz coś wymyślec albo odwrotnie żeby widz w tobie sie zakochał
mam pytanie czy filmy mogly by byc o 14:30 zamiast 15:15? (tylko pytam i nie musi tak byc)
Tez bym chciał
W jakim programie montujesz?
💍Pomysl na troll:💍
Ślub Twoj i Dilera
Polega na tym, że budujesz kościuł, zciągasz dilera. Na gosci swoich ziomkow takich jak mwk i reszta (ale bo widzowie ale lepsi twoi koledzy) idziesz z dilerem do widza i zapraszasz go. No i robicue ten slub, a gdy ty bedziesz zycal bukiet to zucisz (pomysl 1) w widza i dalej wymysl, (pomysl 2) w mwk albo innego kolege twojego i on powie ze chce slub z tym widzem i zrobicie im slub
Sory za orto, kom na szybko
*DxD zawzze!*
Like'ujcie aby widział 💍🩷🎀
Nie zrobi tego XD
Pomysł na troll udajesz np shreka po chwili dajesz mu się zobaczyć jako doknes potem udajesz że przestałeś go trollować ale robisz coś takiego że uciekasz przed nim na Creative po czym uciekasz i robisz jeszcze innego trolla. Pozdro
10:39 xD
więcej takich :}
odc uwielbiam takie
Mega będzie oglądać film na który sam fbadłem😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Super odcinek
Na koniec powinieneś spytać: "Chcesz zobaczyć moją bazę z twoimi itemami :)?" Ciekawe jakby zareagował.
16:12 czekam na następny film miały być codziennie
Są codziennie w weekendy też
Doknes nagraj odc że widz jest w terrarium dla Mrówek i potem pod bazom widza dudujesz terrarium i kiedy widz jest przed bazom to ty usuwasz ziemie i widz wpada do terrarium i dajesz mu jakieś zielone jedzenie i się powiekszasz i jak widz ucieknie to ty uruchomisz mechanizm który powoduje deszcz kowadeł a jak widz pszeżyje to improwizuj😅😅 a jak widz zginie to poprostu kończ
(Dzień1) pomysł na trolla: jak długo mogę żyć w bazie widza jako arbuz (jeżeli widz będzie miał dużą meloniarkę)
Dzień pierwszy czekania na nowy film na AntosiexGaming
Diler noe drzyj sie tak na poczatku. A tak wgl super odcinek😘
Jaki diler to doknes XD
Siema Doooooooknes jeśli jesteś prawdziwym dinozaurem Minecrafta głosuj na Mentzena strzała dOkNeSiK👊
0:07 no może tak *tymczasem 2b2t*
0:05 czemu niszczyć, można w zgodzie żyć, a nie być chamem i niszczyć komuś prace, to oznacza brak kultury i chęć bycia "Fajnym ziomkiem" nie jest taki ktoś nim >:(
To prawda
pomysł na troll:
nazwa foxi foxi foxi nito annanasito troll na widzo chodzi ze idziesz jako lis annanas do widza i sie z niego smiejesz bardzo oryginal i fajne sikmowe
na początku to się naucz pisać proszę
Doknes prosze jak robisz trolle to nie dawaj tego moda żeby widzieć widza, jak nie widać tego widza to są większe emocje itp
10:42 jak szynke z kurczaka?
Nie mogę się doczekać ❤
Rób więcej fimlów z Karnivoro proszeeeeee😭😭
Minecraft uwięzieni już się skończyło, nie bedzie już nic z karnivoro i innymi postaciami z tej serii
Doknesik. Dalej chodzisz po klubach dla gejuf w Katowicach?
pozdro z premiery
Jakim cudem ten serwer jest taki niebezpieczny jak ja tam nawet lawva castow nie widzę ani rozwalonego terenu
Doknesss pomusz mi plis 🙁
Naprawdę doknesss ja nie dam rady :(
Była opcja fire animation na off musisz dasz
19:52 nie będę pytać o ten nick…
Doknes to widać że to sztuczna zrobiona przez ciebie lava na tym trolu ci sie nie udało
A plancs vs zombie to może być nowa seria mega fajna gra i jest 1 i 2 dwie części a ja żepsułem mojemu tacie tak żemusiał grać od nowa ale rośniny premium zostały na szczęście bo były płatne i dwie za diamenty i za 100💎 można kupić dużo roślin kturyh nie da się zdobyć normalnie i najlepiej kupić najpierft hołd bluma a potem pień z ogniem i potem kiwibista tak jest naj lepiej😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Bro echant się niszczy od kamiennego kilofa musiał byś mieć przynajmniej epicki. Ale już pewnie to wiesz jak widz ci o to Truł dupe pewnie
Doknes mogłeś dać pod lawą wodę ale ok
ja zawrze przed oglądaniem daje łapkę w górę
Nikogo to nie obchodzi 😑
trol u doknes poprawia dzien
Nie wiem ile chcesz (to do pytania doknesa
zawiodłem się mogłeś zbić szybę albo zniszczyć ścianę tam pod koniec aby uciec
Jaka to wersja mc?
Doknes wyszedł z wprawy z chowania się
Zrób trolla jakiegoś na moim koledze pls jego nick to ciasto1234321 i gra na Serverze o 14 do 16
Logika Minecrafta nie możemy pszeszkoczyć płotu bo jest za wysoki a jak damy dywan to jusz da się mimo że jest wyszy😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Fireflafy hear xd
Jaki ip
Doknes na jakim profilu byłeś w technikum?
Nagraj cos na antosiexgaming123pl
Pls dajce
A nie jekeś minecraft extrime
Ta twoja twarz na miniaturce
Mam pomysł na odcinek zamknełem widzuw w toalecie kto pzetwa ten wygrywa
kurczak = nie szynka
Przecież są szynki drobiowe
Pisać dalej o tej autostradzie, czy już tylko liczyć, że sam o tym pomyślisz?
ej 8 jest
Nie, 14
20 komentarz
The song 🗿
The beat 🗿
The creator 🗿
The producer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The software used to create this beat 🗿
The synthesizers 🗿
The drums 🗿
The bassline 🗿
The guitar riff 🗿
The background melodies 🗿
The sound effects 🗿
The sound engineers 🗿
The autotune 🗿
The studio where it was recorded 🗿
The recording booth 🗿
The microphone 🗿
The mixing board 🗿
The mastering process 🗿
The final touches 🗿
The speakers blasting the sound 🗿
The headphones 🗿
The earbuds 🗿
The phone playing the track 🗿
The Bluetooth connection 🗿
The AUX cord 🗿
The radio stations broadcasting it 🗿
The vibrations in the air 🗿
The sound waves 🗿
The subwoofer thumping 🗿
The car stereo booming 🗿
The vibrations in the walls 🗿
The windows rattling 🗿
The ones listening to it 🗿
The neurons firing in your brain as you vibe to it 🗿
The dopamine surge 🗿
The adrenaline rush 🗿
The goosebumps 🗿
The fans cheering 🗿
The viewers on RUclips 🗿
The thumbs up on the video 🗿
The comments left by fans 🗿
The pinned comment 🗿
The one who commented first 🗿
The guy who got ratio'd 🗿
The first person who heard it 🗿
The person who replayed it 50 times 🗿
The guy who added it to his playlist 🗿
The person who saved it offline 🗿
The one who recommended it to his friends 🗿
The one who shared it in a group chat 🗿
The people bobbing their heads 🗿
The guy lip-syncing 🗿
The DJs spinning this track 🗿
The party where this was the vibe 🗿
The house party shaking with the beat 🗿
The concert where it was played 🗿
The rave where the lights matched the music 🗿
The crowd jumping to the beat 🗿
The stage lights 🗿
The speakers on stage 🗿
The pyrotechnics 🗿
The laser lights 🗿
The fog machine 🗿
The fireworks in the background 🗿
The mosh pit forming 🗿
The people getting hyped 🗿
The hands up in the air 🗿
The festival where this track was played 🗿
The afterparty 🗿
The Uber ride home blasting it 🗿
The person humming the melody 🗿
The muscle contractions making you dance 🗿
The people posting fire emojis 🗿
The GIF reactions 🗿
The comments section 🗿
The algorithms pushing this to the top 🗿
The RUclips trending page 🗿
The Spotify viral charts 🗿
The people sharing it on social media 🗿
The Instagram stories 🗿
The TikTok videos 🗿
The reels 🗿
The algorithms pushing it further 🗿
The fan-made remixes 🗿
The nightcore version 🗿
The slowed + reverb version 🗿
The 1-hour loop 🗿
The fans listening on repeat 🗿
The house shaking from the bass 🗿
The car subwoofer booming 🗿
The windows vibrating 🗿
The neighbors complaining 🗿
The people putting it on during a party 🗿
The road trips with this on repeat 🗿
The Spotify Wrapped featuring this track 🗿
The year-end list 🗿
The workout playlist 🗿
The gym bros blasting it during sets 🗿
The headphones on full blast 🗿
The Bluetooth speakers in the park 🗿
The person running to the beat 🗿
The joggers 🗿
The cyclists 🗿
The gym 🗿
The squat rack 🗿
The leg press 🗿
The dumbbells 🗿
The barbells 🗿
The kettlebells 🗿
The bench press 🗿
The incline bench 🗿
The rowing machine 🗿
The spin bike 🗿
The treadmills 🗿
The elliptical 🗿
The weights clanking 🗿
The gym bros grunting 🗿
The cardio section 🗿
The squat racks 🗿
The weight plates 🗿
The chalk for gripping 🗿
The protein shakes 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The jars of creatine 🗿
The jars of BCAAs 🗿
The pre-workout 🗿
The protein powder 🗿
The protein bars 🗿
The energy drinks 🗿
The guy hitting a PR 🗿
The high-fives after hitting a new personal record 🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The wrist wraps 🗿
The lifting belts 🗿
The gym clothes 🗿
The sweatbands 🗿
The shaker bottles 🗿
The gym bags 🗿
The powerlifting chalk 🗿
The Bluetooth headphones 🗿
The earbuds falling out mid-set 🗿
The veins popping 🗿
The sweat dripping 🗿
The sweat-soaked shirt 🗿
The adrenaline kicking in 🗿
The guy doing extra reps 🗿
The steam room after a workout 🗿
The sauna 🗿
The cold showers 🗿
The post-workout soreness 🗿
The foam roller 🗿
The massage guns 🗿
The stretching mats 🗿
The mirrors reflecting those gains 🗿
The bodyweight exercises 🗿
The jump rope 🗿
The planks 🗿
The pull-up bar 🗿
The gym lockers 🗿
The water fountains 🗿
The vending machines 🗿
The pre-made meals 🗿
The high-protein snacks 🗿
The electrolytes 🗿
The calorie counters 🗿
The workout apps 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The gym membership 🗿
The recovery drinks 🗿
The post-workout smoothies 🗿
The sports massages 🗿
The muscle fibers repairing 🗿
The anabolic window 🗿
The soreness after leg day 🗿
The PRs being broken 🗿
The progress photos 🗿
The gym selfies 🗿
The Instagram posts of gains 🗿
The comments on those posts 🗿
The likes on those posts 🗿
The shares 🗿
The stories reposting gym goals 🗿
The fitness influencers 🗿
The workout tutorials 🗿
The lifting PRs 🗿
The macros 🗿
The meal prep 🗿
The calories burned 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The daily workout streak 🗿
The biceps flexing 🗿
The veins bulging 🗿
The protein-rich meals 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The people saying "one more set" 🗿
The squat depth 🗿
The motivational quotes 🗿
The workout music blasting in the background 🗿
The gym attire 🗿
The leggings 🗿
The sweat-wicking shirts 🗿
The tank tops 🗿
The sports bras 🗿
The lifting gloves 🗿
The resistance bands 🗿
The yoga mats 🗿
The end of the universe 🗿
The beginning of the next 🗿
The dark matter around it 🗿
The supermassive black hole 🗿
The expansion of space 🗿
The time dilation felt while vibing 🗿
The energy permeating everything 🗿
The strings of reality vibrating 🗿
The particles dancing to the frequency 🗿
The quantum fields affected 🗿
The Big Bang itself 🗿
The gravity of the situation 🗿
The speed of light being surpassed 🗿
The wormholes opening 🗿
The alternate realities formed 🗿
The cosmic dance of galaxies 🗿
The infinite potential of existence 🗿
The birth of stars as this plays 🗿
The cosmic dust swirling 🗿
The nebulae glowing 🗿
The fusion reactions ignited by this song 🗿
The pulsars pulsing to the rhythm 🗿
The supernovas exploding in sync 🗿
The black holes warping space-time 🗿
The quasar beams slicing through galaxies 🗿
The cosmic radiation vibrating 🗿
The entire universe humming with the beat 🗿
The parallel realities merging 🗿
The time loops repeating this song 🗿
The multiverse syncing to this frequency 🗿
The fourth dimension bending around it 🗿
The fifth-dimensional beings nodding their heads 🗿
The strings of the universe vibrating with every note 🗿
The quantum entanglement happening between listeners 🗿
The gravitational waves caused by the bass 🗿
The energy of every atom responding 🗿
The dark energy accelerating its expansion 🗿
The curvature of space bending around the sound 🗿
The cosmic background radiation absorbing the melody 🗿
The dimensions beyond our understanding feeling this 🗿
The philosophers contemplating its meaning 🗿
The poets writing verses inspired by it 🗿
The artists painting to the sound of the beat 🗿
The dancers moving in perfect sync 🗿
The actors making cinematic masterpieces with this in the background 🗿
The screenwriters crafting epic scenes set to this song 🗿
The novelists writing entire sagas inspired by its rhythm 🗿
The architects designing buildings that pulse with its beat 🗿
The cities shaped by the energy of this track 🗿
The lights of the world flickering to its tempo 🗿
The oceans rising and falling with the flow 🗿
The tides pulled by the gravitational pull of this song 🗿
The winds across the world swirling in sync 🗿
The essence of life itself flowing through the melody 🗿
The fabric of reality stretching as the song pulses 🗿
The energy in every atom accelerating 🗿
The vibrations of the universe reaching their peak 🗿
The infinite possibilities unfolding with every beat 🗿
The ultimate truth of existence being revealed 🗿
The very meaning of life unraveling in the song 🗿
The purpose of everything aligning with the rhythm 🗿
The cosmos awakening to its true nature 🗿
The divine spark within all beings igniting 🗿
The universe itself ascending 🗿
The final realization that we are all one with the beat 🗿
me 🗿
you 🗿
ur girlfriend 🗿
ur dog 🗿
ohio sigmas 🗿
mr beast followers 🗿
gymrats 🗿
average phonk user 🗿
ur skills 🗿
the people 🗿
my N word homie 🗿
ur food 🗿
People who liked this comment 🗿
The song 🗿
The beat 🗿
The creator 🗿
The producer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The software used to create this beat 🗿
The synthesizers 🗿
The drums 🗿
The bassline 🗿
The guitar riff 🗿
The background melodies 🗿
The sound effects 🗿
The sound engineers 🗿
The autotune 🗿
The studio where it was recorded 🗿
The recording booth 🗿
The microphone 🗿
The mixing board 🗿
The mastering process 🗿
The final touches 🗿
The speakers blasting the sound 🗿
The headphones 🗿
The earbuds 🗿
The phone playing the track 🗿
The Bluetooth connection 🗿
The AUX cord 🗿
The radio stations broadcasting it 🗿
The vibrations in the air 🗿
The sound waves 🗿
The subwoofer thumping 🗿
The car stereo booming 🗿
The vibrations in the walls 🗿
The windows rattling 🗿
The ones listening to it 🗿
The neurons firing in your brain as you vibe to it 🗿
The dopamine surge 🗿
The adrenaline rush 🗿
The goosebumps 🗿
The fans cheering 🗿
The viewers on RUclips 🗿
The thumbs up on the video 🗿
The comments left by fans 🗿
The pinned comment 🗿
The one who commented first 🗿
The guy who got ratio'd 🗿
The first person who heard it 🗿
The person who replayed it 50 times 🗿
The guy who added it to his playlist 🗿
The person who saved it offline 🗿
The one who recommended it to his friends 🗿
The one who shared it in a group chat 🗿
The people bobbing their heads 🗿
The guy lip-syncing 🗿
The DJs spinning this track 🗿
The party where this was the vibe 🗿
The house party shaking with the beat 🗿
The concert where it was played 🗿
The rave where the lights matched the music 🗿
The crowd jumping to the beat 🗿
The stage lights 🗿
The speakers on stage 🗿
The pyrotechnics 🗿
The laser lights 🗿
The fog machine 🗿
The fireworks in the background 🗿
The mosh pit forming 🗿
The people getting hyped 🗿
The hands up in the air 🗿
The festival where this track was played 🗿
The afterparty 🗿
The Uber ride home blasting it 🗿
The person humming the melody 🗿
The muscle contractions making you dance 🗿
The people posting fire emojis 🗿
The GIF reactions 🗿
The comments section 🗿
The algorithms pushing this to the top 🗿
The RUclips trending page 🗿
The Spotify viral charts 🗿
The people sharing it on social media 🗿
The Instagram stories 🗿
The TikTok videos 🗿
The reels 🗿
The algorithms pushing it further 🗿
The fan-made remixes 🗿
The nightcore version 🗿
The slowed + reverb version 🗿
The 1-hour loop 🗿
The fans listening on repeat 🗿
The house shaking from the bass 🗿
The car subwoofer booming 🗿
The windows vibrating 🗿
The neighbors complaining 🗿
The people putting it on during a party 🗿
The road trips with this on repeat 🗿
The Spotify Wrapped featuring this track 🗿
The year-end list 🗿
The workout playlist 🗿
The gym bros blasting it during sets 🗿
The headphones on full blast 🗿
The Bluetooth speakers in the park 🗿
The person running to the beat 🗿
The joggers 🗿
The cyclists 🗿
The gym 🗿
The squat rack 🗿
The leg press 🗿
The dumbbells 🗿
The barbells 🗿
The kettlebells 🗿
The bench press 🗿
The incline bench 🗿
The rowing machine 🗿
The spin bike 🗿
The treadmills 🗿
The elliptical 🗿
The weights clanking 🗿
The gym bros grunting 🗿
The cardio section 🗿
The squat racks 🗿
The weight plates 🗿
The chalk for gripping 🗿
The protein shakes 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The jars of creatine 🗿
The jars of BCAAs 🗿
The pre-workout 🗿
The protein powder 🗿
The protein bars 🗿
The energy drinks 🗿
The guy hitting a PR 🗿
The high-fives after hitting a new personal record 🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The wrist wraps 🗿
The lifting belts 🗿
The gym clothes 🗿
The sweatbands 🗿
The shaker bottles 🗿
The gym bags 🗿
The powerlifting chalk 🗿
The Bluetooth headphones 🗿
The earbuds falling out mid-set 🗿
The veins popping 🗿
The sweat dripping 🗿
The sweat-soaked shirt 🗿
The adrenaline kicking in 🗿
The guy doing extra reps 🗿
The steam room after a workout 🗿
The sauna 🗿
The cold showers 🗿
The post-workout soreness 🗿
The foam roller 🗿
The massage guns 🗿
The stretching mats 🗿
The mirrors reflecting those gains 🗿
The bodyweight exercises 🗿
The jump rope 🗿
The planks 🗿
The pull-up bar 🗿
The gym lockers 🗿
The water fountains 🗿
The vending machines 🗿
The pre-made meals 🗿
The high-protein snacks 🗿
The electrolytes 🗿
The calorie counters 🗿
The workout apps 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The gym membership 🗿
The recovery drinks 🗿
The post-workout smoothies 🗿
The sports massages 🗿
The muscle fibers repairing 🗿
The anabolic window 🗿
The soreness after leg day 🗿
The PRs being broken 🗿
The progress photos 🗿
The gym selfies 🗿
The Instagram posts of gains 🗿
The comments on those posts 🗿
The likes on those posts 🗿
The shares 🗿
The stories reposting gym goals 🗿
The fitness influencers 🗿
The workout tutorials 🗿
The lifting PRs 🗿
The macros 🗿
The meal prep 🗿
The calories burned 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The daily workout streak 🗿
The biceps flexing 🗿
The veins bulging 🗿
The protein-rich meals 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The people saying "one more set" 🗿
The squat depth 🗿
The motivational quotes 🗿
The workout music blasting in the background 🗿
The gym attire 🗿
The leggings 🗿
The sweat-wicking shirts 🗿
The tank tops 🗿
The sports bras 🗿
The lifting gloves 🗿
The resistance bands 🗿
The yoga mats 🗿
The end of the universe 🗿
The beginning of the next 🗿
The dark matter around it 🗿
The supermassive black hole 🗿
The expansion of space 🗿
The time dilation felt while vibing 🗿
The energy permeating everything 🗿
The strings of reality vibrating 🗿
The particles dancing to the frequency 🗿
The quantum fields affected 🗿
The Big Bang itself 🗿
The gravity of the situation 🗿
The speed of light being surpassed 🗿
The wormholes opening 🗿
The alternate realities formed 🗿
The cosmic dance of galaxies 🗿
The infinite potential of existence 🗿
The birth of stars as this plays 🗿
The cosmic dust swirling 🗿
The nebulae glowing 🗿
The fusion reactions ignited by this song 🗿
The pulsars pulsing to the rhythm 🗿
The supernovas exploding in sync 🗿
The black holes warping space-time 🗿
The quasar beams slicing through galaxies 🗿
The cosmic radiation vibrating 🗿
The entire universe humming with the beat 🗿
The parallel realities merging 🗿
The time loops repeating this song 🗿
The multiverse syncing to this frequency 🗿
The fourth dimension bending around it 🗿
The fifth-dimensional beings nodding their heads 🗿
The strings of the universe vibrating with every note 🗿
The quantum entanglement happening between listeners 🗿
The gravitational waves caused by the bass 🗿
The energy of every atom responding 🗿
The dark energy accelerating its expansion 🗿
The curvature of space bending around the sound 🗿
The cosmic background radiation absorbing the melody 🗿
The dimensions beyond our understanding feeling this 🗿
The philosophers contemplating its meaning 🗿
The poets writing verses inspired by it 🗿
The artists painting to the sound of the beat 🗿
The dancers moving in perfect sync 🗿
The actors making cinematic masterpieces with this in the background 🗿
The screenwriters crafting epic scenes set to this song 🗿
The novelists writing entire sagas inspired by its rhythm 🗿
The architects designing buildings that pulse with its beat 🗿
The cities shaped by the energy of this track 🗿
The lights of the world flickering to its tempo 🗿
The oceans rising and falling with the flow 🗿
The tides pulled by the gravitational pull of this song 🗿
The winds across the world swirling in sync 🗿
The essence of life itself flowing through the melody 🗿
The fabric of reality stretching as the song pulses 🗿
The energy in every atom accelerating 🗿
The vibrations of the universe reaching their peak 🗿
The infinite possibilities unfolding with every beat 🗿
The ultimate truth of existence being revealed 🗿
The very meaning of life unraveling in the song 🗿
The purpose of everything aligning with the rhythm 🗿
The cosmos awakening to its true nature 🗿
The divine spark within all beings igniting 🗿
The universe itself ascending 🗿
The final realization that we are all one with the beat 🗿
me 🗿
you 🗿
ur girlfriend 🗿
ur dog 🗿
ohio sigmas 🗿
mr beast followers 🗿
gymrats 🗿
average phonk user 🗿
ur skills 🗿
the people 🗿
my N word homie 🗿
ur food 🗿
People who liked this comment 🗿
The song 🗿
The beat 🗿
The creator 🗿
The producer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The software used to create this beat 🗿
The synthesizers 🗿
The drums 🗿
The bassline 🗿
The guitar riff 🗿
The background melodies 🗿
The sound effects 🗿
The sound engineers 🗿
The autotune 🗿
The studio where it was recorded 🗿
The recording booth 🗿
The microphone 🗿
The mixing board 🗿
The mastering process 🗿
The final touches 🗿
The speakers blasting the sound 🗿
The headphones 🗿
The earbuds 🗿
The phone playing the track 🗿
The Bluetooth connection 🗿
The AUX cord 🗿
The radio stations broadcasting it 🗿
The vibrations in the air 🗿
The sound waves 🗿
The subwoofer thumping 🗿
The car stereo booming 🗿
The vibrations in the walls 🗿
The windows rattling 🗿
The ones listening to it 🗿
The neurons firing in your brain as you vibe to it 🗿
The dopamine surge 🗿
The adrenaline rush 🗿
The goosebumps 🗿
The fans cheering 🗿
The viewers on RUclips 🗿
The thumbs up on the video 🗿
The comments left by fans 🗿
The pinned comment 🗿
The one who commented first 🗿
The guy who got ratio'd 🗿
The first person who heard it 🗿
The person who replayed it 50 times 🗿
The guy who added it to his playlist 🗿
The person who saved it offline 🗿
The one who recommended it to his friends 🗿
The one who shared it in a group chat 🗿
The people bobbing their heads 🗿
The guy lip-syncing 🗿
The DJs spinning this track 🗿
The party where this was the vibe 🗿
The house party shaking with the beat 🗿
The concert where it was played 🗿
The rave where the lights matched the music 🗿
The crowd jumping to the beat 🗿
The stage lights 🗿
The speakers on stage 🗿
The pyrotechnics 🗿
The laser lights 🗿
The fog machine 🗿
The fireworks in the background 🗿
The mosh pit forming 🗿
The people getting hyped 🗿
The hands up in the air 🗿
The festival where this track was played 🗿
The afterparty 🗿
The Uber ride home blasting it 🗿
The person humming the melody 🗿
The muscle contractions making you dance 🗿
The people posting fire emojis 🗿
The GIF reactions 🗿
The comments section 🗿
The algorithms pushing this to the top 🗿
The RUclips trending page 🗿
The Spotify viral charts 🗿
The people sharing it on social media 🗿
The Instagram stories 🗿
The TikTok videos 🗿
The reels 🗿
The algorithms pushing it further 🗿
The fan-made remixes 🗿
The nightcore version 🗿
The slowed + reverb version 🗿
The 1-hour loop 🗿
The fans listening on repeat 🗿
The house shaking from the bass 🗿
The car subwoofer booming 🗿
The windows vibrating 🗿
The neighbors complaining 🗿
The people putting it on during a party 🗿
The road trips with this on repeat 🗿
The Spotify Wrapped featuring this track 🗿
The year-end list 🗿
The workout playlist 🗿
The gym bros blasting it during sets 🗿
The headphones on full blast 🗿
The Bluetooth speakers in the park 🗿
The person running to the beat 🗿
The joggers 🗿
The cyclists 🗿
The gym 🗿
The squat rack 🗿
The leg press 🗿
The dumbbells 🗿
The barbells 🗿
The kettlebells 🗿
The bench press 🗿
The incline bench 🗿
The rowing machine 🗿
The spin bike 🗿
The treadmills 🗿
The elliptical 🗿
The weights clanking 🗿
The gym bros grunting 🗿
The cardio section 🗿
The squat racks 🗿
The weight plates 🗿
The chalk for gripping 🗿
The protein shakes 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The jars of creatine 🗿
The jars of BCAAs 🗿
The pre-workout 🗿
The protein powder 🗿
The protein bars 🗿
The energy drinks 🗿
The guy hitting a PR 🗿
The high-fives after hitting a new personal record 🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The wrist wraps 🗿
The lifting belts 🗿
The gym clothes 🗿
The sweatbands 🗿
The shaker bottles 🗿
The gym bags 🗿
The powerlifting chalk 🗿
The Bluetooth headphones 🗿
The earbuds falling out mid-set 🗿
The veins popping 🗿
The sweat dripping 🗿
The sweat-soaked shirt 🗿
The adrenaline kicking in 🗿
The guy doing extra reps 🗿
The steam room after a workout 🗿
The sauna 🗿
The cold showers 🗿
The post-workout soreness 🗿
The foam roller 🗿
The massage guns 🗿
The stretching mats 🗿
The mirrors reflecting those gains 🗿
The bodyweight exercises 🗿
The jump rope 🗿
The planks 🗿
The pull-up bar 🗿
The gym lockers 🗿
The water fountains 🗿
The vending machines 🗿
The pre-made meals 🗿
The high-protein snacks 🗿
The electrolytes 🗿
The calorie counters 🗿
The workout apps 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The gym membership 🗿
The recovery drinks 🗿
The post-workout smoothies 🗿
The sports massages 🗿
The muscle fibers repairing 🗿
The anabolic window 🗿
The soreness after leg day 🗿
The PRs being broken 🗿
The progress photos 🗿
The gym selfies 🗿
The Instagram posts of gains 🗿
The comments on those posts 🗿
The likes on those posts 🗿
The shares 🗿
The stories reposting gym goals 🗿
The fitness influencers 🗿
The workout tutorials 🗿
The lifting PRs 🗿
The macros 🗿
The meal prep 🗿
The calories burned 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The daily workout streak 🗿
The biceps flexing 🗿
The veins bulging 🗿
The protein-rich meals 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The people saying "one more set" 🗿
The squat depth 🗿
The motivational quotes 🗿
The workout music blasting in the background 🗿
The gym attire 🗿
The leggings 🗿
The sweat-wicking shirts 🗿
The tank tops 🗿
The sports bras 🗿
The lifting gloves 🗿
The resistance bands 🗿
The yoga mats 🗿
The end of the universe 🗿
The beginning of the next 🗿
The dark matter around it 🗿
The supermassive black hole 🗿
The expansion of space 🗿
The time dilation felt while vibing 🗿
The energy permeating everything 🗿
The strings of reality vibrating 🗿
The particles dancing to the frequency 🗿
The quantum fields affected 🗿
The Big Bang itself 🗿
The gravity of the situation 🗿
The speed of light being surpassed 🗿
The wormholes opening 🗿
The alternate realities formed 🗿
The cosmic dance of galaxies 🗿
The infinite potential of existence 🗿
The birth of stars as this plays 🗿
The cosmic dust swirling 🗿
The nebulae glowing 🗿
The fusion reactions ignited by this song 🗿
The pulsars pulsing to the rhythm 🗿
The supernovas exploding in sync 🗿
The black holes warping space-time 🗿
The quasar beams slicing through galaxies 🗿
The cosmic radiation vibrating 🗿
The entire universe humming with the beat 🗿
The parallel realities merging 🗿
The time loops repeating this song 🗿
The multiverse syncing to this frequency 🗿
The fourth dimension bending around it 🗿
The fifth-dimensional beings nodding their heads 🗿
The strings of the universe vibrating with every note 🗿
The quantum entanglement happening between listeners 🗿
The gravitational waves caused by the bass 🗿
The energy of every atom responding 🗿
The dark energy accelerating its expansion 🗿
The curvature of space bending around the sound 🗿
The cosmic background radiation absorbing the melody 🗿
The dimensions beyond our understanding feeling this 🗿
The philosophers contemplating its meaning 🗿
The poets writing verses inspired by it 🗿
The artists painting to the sound of the beat 🗿
The dancers moving in perfect sync 🗿
The actors making cinematic masterpieces with this in the background 🗿
The screenwriters crafting epic scenes set to this song 🗿
The novelists writing entire sagas inspired by its rhythm 🗿
The architects designing buildings that pulse with its beat 🗿
The cities shaped by the energy of this track 🗿
The lights of the world flickering to its tempo 🗿
The oceans rising and falling with the flow 🗿
The tides pulled by the gravitational pull of this song 🗿
The winds across the world swirling in sync 🗿
The essence of life itself flowing through the melody 🗿
The fabric of reality stretching as the song pulses 🗿
The energy in every atom accelerating 🗿
The vibrations of the universe reaching their peak 🗿
The infinite possibilities unfolding with every beat 🗿
The ultimate truth of existence being revealed 🗿
The very meaning of life unraveling in the song 🗿
The purpose of everything aligning with the rhythm 🗿
The cosmos awakening to its true nature 🗿
The divine spark within all beings igniting 🗿
The universe itself ascending 🗿
The final realization that we are all one with the beat 🗿
me 🗿
you 🗿
ur girlfriend 🗿
ur dog 🗿
ohio sigmas 🗿
mr beast followers 🗿
gymrats 🗿
average phonk user 🗿
ur skills 🗿
the people 🗿
my N word homie 🗿
ur food 🗿
People who liked this comment 🗿